Fall Art using leaves as glitter
Today we bring you a very super simple fall art that most kids would find enjoyable. The reason is the freedom of expression. This fall art is such an open- ended art project, that it is definitely up to the kid to make it as simple or as complex as possible.
Getting the yard ready for the winter means cleaning flower beds, pruning, planting bulbs for spring and a lot of raking. Fallen leaves are everywhere and raking and bagging them is such a chore. Big S and I took a break from our yard work and got a bit crafty with the leaves we bagged. Inspired by an article I saw in a magazine we created our own fall art with leaves.
[box title=”Things we used” color=”#e5402e”]
- Dried leaves
- Flower petalse,
- Construction paper
- Elmers glue
- Paint brush
Big S collected a bag of dried leaves and crumbled them up to make powdered leaves. She found a fun way to crumble them, you can already tell that right ?
She also took some petals from a dahlia flower to use in her fall art.
Now off to making something with our goods. I set out construction paper and she painted on it with glue. I mixed a little water to it, to make it a bit loose, so it’s easier to paint with. She made a face on one and an apple on the other. Right here, each kid will use his/her own imagination while creating an outline.
The next part in this fall art activity is pretty simple, add the crumbled leaves and petals on it and set it aside to dry. Shake off the excess and you have an interesting fall art.While collecting leaves, it may be a good idea to talk to your child about the season and what happens to the leaves and why you are collecting them. That could steer them towards collecting leaves of varying colors.
Here are our leaves working as glitter in our fall art.
Now for the petals.
Replacing all that glitter with leaves and petals from our yard made it a simple and pocket friendly project. It was a fun activity and you can extend it appropriately to fit the needs of your toddler or preschooler.
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