Home Quick Play Ideas Farm in your backyard: Quick Play Idea

Farm in your backyard: Quick Play Idea

Farm in your backyard: Quick Play Idea

Welcome to the third week of Quick Play Ideas. You can read about the previous weeks here and here. To reiterate “Quick Play Ideas” is about simple kids activity that can be set up in minutes notice. In fact I’m a little hesitant to even use the word “set-up” because there isn’t much involved and even if there is older kids can go about making their own setup.. They can be a wonderful boredom busting tool or a distraction tool, or a mom’s favorite alternative to ” Mom, one last show please”

Today we are back with another activity with animals. What can I say?  All things wildlife is my 4 year old’s go-to activity.

It’s great to have indoor toys and outdoors toys. But every now and then we mix it up and bring all our animals outside for a grand time of imaginative play.  On this particular day with glorious weather we dragged out farm animals and headed out to our newly tilled dirt patch under our beloved fig tree. Before we went my kids and I had a brief discussion on “farm” itself. Simple questions while getting ready to play have always worked for us. As opposed to giving them items needed for play, we talk about it while collecting the things needed. It helps that our sensory/small world bins are only moderately elaborate.

What is a farm?”

“What toys do you think we need to carry?”

” Do we need vegetables or just animals”

” What will the animals eat there?”

To engage my toddler I just had her bring a few farm animals out to play. Every now and then I’d “slip up” and bring a lion or a whale. My 4 year old found that hilarious..:)

As far as play time was concerned the kids were creating and arguing over the layout of my backyard farm. We’d soon agree on a layout and start creating the farm one part at a time..

My 4 year old did the gates first because her animals should not escape!

building a farm

We built the pig pen and set out our cows and lambs. With some grass clippings strewn around those animals were happily munching aroundpig pen during small world play

animals on the farm

Horse stables are a must for my ” When can I learn horse riding” girl!

Of course we are going to find roly poly while playing.

finding bugs

Farmer also grows her own vegetables.

planting veggies in small world play


Simply by playing with her usual toys in a different setting ( dirt) we gave the “animal play” activity more excitement. The kids and I had a wonderful afternoon engaging in this fun imaginative play which requires NO PREP or set-ups.

After backyard farm play cleaning  is just as fun because it involves soap and water. The kids cleaned up the animals and we washed them in a big tub of soapy water. In fact washing the animals in itself can be a fun too-hot-for-the-park afternoon activity.

wash up after play


Thanks for reading

imaginative play farm

Previous installments

rainbow rice play idea     baby play


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  1. Wow, Interesting and useful activity . Every kids will love it in this pandemic situation. I am going try out few which will be suitable for my kid age. It is useful information for all parents. Thank you


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