Halloween Activities for Kids with glow in the dark window clings
Theme for day 3 of our fall play ideas is GLOWING play. Catch up on day 1’s post apple playdough with real apples recipe and day 2’s post homemade edible apple paints here.
Onto today’s fun!
We have dabbled in glowing play just couple of times before. The kids enjoyed this simple glow in the dark bead maze earlier. For this series, we were excited try this popular play idea. With fall around the corner and with longer evenings, we decided to go “glowing” with just GLUE again. Not only are the seasons changing, we are also eagerly awaiting Halloween. It was nice to try out a few Halloween activities for kids beforehand. So what did we do? Make glow in the dark window clings!The kids enjoyed the process when we did it this spring and made homemade window clings. It was such an enjoyable process for them and they even loved creating their own images with broken bits and pieces. [Fine motor skills alert!]
[box title=”Things we used” color=”#333333″]
- Glow in the dark glitter glue
- Dish Soap
- Plastic baggies
- Designs
- Liquid watercolors(optional)
I printed off a few Fall/Halloween themed outlines and cut them out..Nothing says Halloween activities than a big bat. Both the kids enjoyed cutting their own scraps of paper and creating designs. My toddler especially has gotten a lot better with the scissors – the only practice she ever gets is when we do simple crafts and I have the kids cut their own materials. We inserted the outlines into individual plastic baggies.
My preschooler added 3 big globs of glow in the dark glitter glue, bit of water and dish soap to the bowl.
She also one drop of liquid water colors and gave the whole mix a quick mix.
{ the watercolors do not add to the glow since they are regular paint. We added them so the kids would have 4 bowls of colorful glue. If you have glow in the dark paint, please add them by all means}
After that it was all about coloring and getting the glow glue on the image. She was excited to make leaves and pumpkins. But when working with young ones I recommend you stay away from intricate fall leaves! She enjoyed coloring the pumpkins, simple geometric shapes and a couple of simple leaves.
Our line up with some help me with the big leaves. I used a spoon to get the overflowing glue inside the pattern.
She wa very excited to see if they glow. We chose a really dark place and checked out the glue and it was vibrant. We charged our glue patterns with a blacklight flashlight before. If you let the glue charge under sunlight or a black light the charge on the glue will hold for a while before it starts to fade.{affiliate link}
Ooh check out the Halloween bat!
My preschooler had a fun time going back and forth charging our drying glue. [ I wouldn’t trust my toddler alone with that flash light. My older child knows not to mess with the light or flash it INTO her eyes- please know you child before letting them explore. Either way it is a supervised play and exploration]
Before the glue could dry on the baggies, we had a big mishap and could not finish the drying process. All you need to do is to let the glue completely dry off. Once it does, the kids should be able to peel off the glue off the baggie and stick them on the windows. [ For more tips and detailed instructions, visit our earlier window clings post]
Thanks for reading
For more Halloween activities for kids check out category page.
See what the other blogs did for our glow day
Edible Glowing “Spiderwebs” Sensory play from Fun at home with Kids
Glowing Bread Clay Recipe from Housing a Forest
Glowing Magic Milk Experiment from Learn Play Imagine
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These are so neat! We have just got a black light so I am looking for fun ideas for how to use it. Thanks!
That is so cool! Anything that glows in the dark is always a hit!
These are so cool! Great idea. 🙂