Home Crafts Make an apple tree the toddler way

Make an apple tree the toddler way

Make an apple tree the toddler way

Fall Crafts : Apple tree crafts for kids.

Our  closest apple orchard is about 100 miles away . It is sad that we as a family have NEVER gone apple picking. May be one of these days..

But that did not stop us from doing an apple tree craft. What’s special is we did the toddler way. Part craft – part mess.Our inspiration came from Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails.

[box title=”Things you will need” color=”#b01212″]

  • Toilet roll tubes or kitchen roll tubes cut into 2 halves
  • Green construction cut out as leaves
  • Brown Paint or Mix Red and Green
  • Red Paint
  • Cotton Balls
  • Foil pan


Before starting, I cut out my leaves for the tree using green construction paper.

Since we ran out of brown paint, we decided to make brown. It is super easy to make brown. You would have seen that many of your kid’s messy art projects  end up brown. Muddy brown happens quite a lot here too because the kiddos love to paint and mix for a long time.

For this project we used red and green to make brown paint [ color mixing]

I poured both the colors in a foil pan and had the kids go at it. Once we made brown, in went on the toilet roll tubes.

apple tree crafts

Both of the them rolled in tubes in the paint and turned the “tree trunks” brown. This mini messy play made the craft  very exciting for them. We even re did the ones Big A had painted with her brush the previous day.While the tree trunks sat to dry, we had to make some apples.

Instead of using red pom-pom balls, I used some cotton balls. Made those giant ones into smaller balls

red apple tree craft

Again, balls go into the tray and tons of red paint go on top of it.

4 making apples craft

Once the excited squeals and cheers for the always loved red paint settled down, the girls had round #2 of mini messy play. They made apples with cotton balls and red paint.

Side note: Dried cotton balls become very hard. They cannot replace fluffy pom-poms in texture. But my girls loved the process of creating apples.

We let our apples dry.

toddler apple tree craft_1

Once dry, stick them on your leaves.

toddler apple tree craft with pom poms

Now how can I NOT do math with apples in front of me.We turned it into a number recognition, counting and 1:1 corresponding learning game. The younger one counted while the older matched the numbers.

lined up toddler crafts

Next the leaves go on the brown tree trunk with two small slits on the top. There you have your own part messy, part toddler friendly apple tree craft.

toddler apple tree craft_2

Since it was too much fun, we made an apple orchard. Next step is to make a sensory-bin?


 Thanks for reading

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  1. Thanks for the awesome idea! We have two apple trees in our backyard and my toddler loves going out to pick them. He’ll enjoy making his very own apple tree!

  2. Simply, admirable what you have done here. It is fabulous to see you verbalize from the heart and your clarity on this significant subject can be easily seen. Fantastic post and will look forward to your incoming update.


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