Home Collections Playdough Play Ideas : 10 Pasta and Playdough Kids Activities

Playdough Play Ideas : 10 Pasta and Playdough Kids Activities

Playdough Play Ideas : 10 Pasta and Playdough Kids Activities

Playdough Play Ideas : 10 Pasta and Playdough Kids Activities

Playdough is versatile. So is colored pasta. What if we combine these two fab materials for a bunch of fantastic kids activities? Here we have 10 of those amazing ideas.

Before you go, here is a tutorial on “How to dye pasta”.

Pasta and playdough kids activities

Build pasta structures with playdough

engineering for kids with rainbow pasta

Pair play dough, pasta and a bunch of twigs for some cool pasta sculptures

pasta on a stick

Build a rainbow with play dough pasta and pipe cleaners

playing with rainbow pasta

Have fun creating a dinosaur skeleton with playdough and pasta.


How about a fun learning activity ? Create an exciting pasta shape matching game with play dough.

pasta matching

Or a toddler friendly color matching game with pasta and playdough. Perfect for toddlers.


Use pasta noodles in this fun fine motor activity


Alternatively, use colored pasta and set up this threading activity

Trace playdough letters and numbers with pasta.

tracing with pasta

I adore this super fun and simple pasta and play dough play idea.


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Toddler and Preschooler Activities with playdough and pasta

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