Home Featured Sensory Activities for Kids : Winter sensory play with pretend snow

Sensory Activities for Kids : Winter sensory play with pretend snow

Sensory Activities for Kids : Winter sensory play with pretend snow

Sensory Activities for kids : Winter sensory play with pretend snow

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No play puts a smile on a kid’s play like  good old sensory activities. Invite your kids with this 2 minute sensory activity set up that needs only 2 ingredients.

It doesn’t snow where we live and we have to go to the mountains to see real snow. We recently did that and the children had a big kick out of it and talked about it for a while after the trip. We saw our trip’s pictures together and decided that we need to bring in pretend snow to extend the fun. { Last year we enjoyed fake snow painting and an extension of that sensory activity – green goo dinosaur world along with a winter sensory bin}

Here is what you will need for a fun snow sensory activity along with a cool ( get it? haha ok jokes are not my forte) winter craft . You can do this indoor with the all the comforts of a heater and warm cocoa.

For the snow themed sensory activity you will need

( Amazon Links for your reference)

For the Winter craft ( making snowy trees)

The funny thing the activity I had in mind was a simple one and I had only one. But it turned into so.many.more simply due to child-led play and right now we have 5 new play ideas on the same theme to keep you and us busy for a whole week.

I set out Epsom salt,iridescent flakes and a large tub and had my 5 year old come check it out.[ As she got older she has had a lukewarm response towards simple sensory play with pouring and scooping. She adores small world play though. I was pleasantly surprised to see her interest in this type of simple play.]

materials for snow play

We filled our tub with the salt { we enjoy creating with Epsom salt – check out our 1 minute salt paint and  vinegar-free rainbow eruptions tray} and she was very eager to dump the snow flakes. These pretend snowflakes are so pretty and really adds a tiny bit of sparkle to the sensory tub. You could always use cut-up tinsel garlands. The salt itself is naturally cold and provides for a wonderful sensory base.

exploring epsom salt

It feels wonderful to just run your hands through it, hide your hands, bury hands and what not. The salt does really shine like diamonds. With the snow flakes in there, it was a visual treat. Make sure you have atleast a bit of sunlight coming through while doing this activity to enjoy its beauty.

sensory pour play

My intention was to make snow hats and I set our party hats. Before we could do the craft, my 5 year took a whole different route and just enjoyed and explored and turned this into a winter sensory activity.

pouring sensory snow

She filled the party hats with Epsom salt and pretended them to be ice cream cones with “vanilla ice cream with glitter sprinkles”

ice cream sensory snow play

Her favorite party was to pour the pretend snow and create a pretend “ snow water fall” She threw in our Christmas tree hats and make a snow fall actually snow pour.

snow water fall

Gorgeous right? and it’s just Epsom Salt – I just can’t get over how beautiful, shiny and sparkly the salt is. ( You will see the proof in our 1 minute salt painting post) Just plain old Epsom salt with pretend snow flakes turned out to be such wonderful sensory materials and this activity engaged her senses and kept her busy for a while

sensory activity for kids with snow

On to the intended winter craft

  • Apply Glue on the party hats ( green hats would be an better option)
  • Roll them in sparkly snow ( Epsom salt + iridescent flakes )
  • Let them sit over night
  • Seal the salt with an acrylic spray

snow trees

Few days earlier we had tried another way to make snowy trees with shaving cream

snowy trees

This was again a fantastic sensory activity kids would adore. Instead of glue and salt, have the kids slather shaving cream all over the party hats. They do turn out really pretty but obviously don’t last long since the foam dries off. But it is a great process oriented arty sensory play.

snow tree activity for kids

Come back again and see how we extended the play time. We have 5 Epsom salt posts coming up!  Winter Fun is on.

Pom Pom Writing in our winter sensory bin

I-Spy Winter Sensory Tub

More sensory activities for kids here

Pinterest inspiration for sensory activities

Pinterest inspiration for winter activities for kids here


  1. I love the shaving cream on party hats idea…have you ever mixed shaving cream with Elmer’s glue? When it dries it will stay white and fluffy. You can even add construction paper cut outs when it is still wet and when it dries the decorations will stick. Great for making 3D clouds or snowmen on paper.


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