Shapes for toddlers using contact paper
This is a simple learning activity which attempts to teach shapes to toddlers. Toddler learning games and activities are bit hard to accomplish because of the sheer nature of that little person. [highlight bg=”#DDFF99″ color=”#000000″]Instead of doing a learning activity at a table, I gave them an opportunity to move about while learning.[/highlight]
[box title=”Things we used” color=”#333333″]
- 4 pack colored contact paper
- Tape
- Construction Paper
I just peeled the backing off the contact paper and used tape to stick the 4 sheets to the wall sticky side up. I also drew a large shape on each color for my toddler to match.
Using colored paper, I cut out 4 basic shapes for my toddler to recognize.
I set out my paper shapes for them and it was sticking time.
Baby A matched the shape on the contact paper to her paper cut outs. If you have more than 1 child, you could easily set up a friendly game. [highlight bg=”#DDFF99″ color=”#000000″]Place the shapes far away from the wall with the contact paper and have the kids run to the wall to stick the shape.[/highlight]
The sticky side gives the kids a big kick. Sticking, peeling and adjusting to make sure all the sides are stuck are all great for fine motor development.
Here is a collaborative effort from the girls. It is darling to see Big A get terribly upset when her sister makes a small mistake. That’s her shouting out instructions. I usually have to calm her down from over-helping her sister.
The girls had much fun that baby A requested for more shapes.
With the extra paper scraps, the kids made some simple contact paper art here. Big A was very curious and tried sticking everything in sight to see if they will hold up. The younger one was very eager to peel off the shapes.
This toddler learning activity has so much potential that you either expand in many directions.
- Patterns for preschoolers and simple ones for toddlers too.
- Combine color recognition with shape recognition for toddlers. Simple prompts like “Do you want to stick the blue square on the red sticky paper?”
- Make funny faces with the shapes.
Related Links:
If you love contact paper just like we do, check out Learn with play at home’s comprehensive contact paper post.
Some math posts from us
For more fun shapes and math ideas, follow our Math Play pin board where I pin great ideas from around the web.
Do you have toddlers or babies in your life and feel coming up with baby activities are so challenging? We, in collaboration with other bloggers have put together a book with GREAT activities for babies and toddlers.
Some highlights
- There are 25 unique baby/toddler play ideas
- The activities for babies and toddlers are explained very thoroughly with bright pictures and clear step-by-step instructions.
- The ideas are very simple and perfect for busy new moms of babies and toddlers.
- You will get exposed to 25 new blogs where the women behind the blogs share so many ideas for baby play, toddler play, preschooler play and up.
- There are additional 50 links to whole new ideas for play.
- There is a wide range of activities with classic baby play, sensory play, homemade toys and many learning activities.
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This is extremely amazing and wonderful! Thank you for sharing this. Awesome and perfect for the kids. We also did a Contact Paper Transfer Art out of the same materials you used. You should check this out!
EarlyLearning.Momtrusted.com Contact Paper Transfer Art
Thank you Rebecca for the feature
Morning! Just popping by to let you know I’ve featured this on The Sunday Showcase! http://www.herecomethegirlsblog.com/2012/11/24/sunday-showcase-toddler-fun.html
I am loving all the bright colors and shapes! What a great sticky paper idea – my grandson would enjoy this too!
Thanks Deborah..My toddler was very much into it because of the bright colors..
Pinning to do with my twin toddlers in the near future! We love contact paper, and it’s great how you used it to introduce shapes.
Oh yeah, sticky paper seems to be a kid favorite. It was up for more than 2 days. We did shapes and colors since I was using colored sticky paper.