Like many of you, we love playing with paint in various ways. We have painted with spaghetti brushes, explored resist painting and have even painted trees. My toddler has a new found interest – printing with objects. Stamping or printing with household objects captures her interest immediately because she has seen mom/dad use the said object for something else. She is instantly curious. What’s more fun than making Valentine art with this new found love? The patterns thus emerging from the printing activity are such a treat to watch for young ones anyway. Seeing my toddler have fun printing, my pre schooler who is usually not into anything that requires doing the same thing over again was kind of interested. Good to have siblings to encourage the kids to try and experience new activities.
For the Valentine art supplies needed are very basic. Potatoes and Paint.
I first drew different sizes of hearts on 2 pieces of (halved) potatoes.
I cut off the part surrounding the heart so that it leaves the heart to be little raised. This is will be your heart stamp.
With reds and pinks, we stamped away..
It was interesting to see my toddler learn as the process evolves. Mine started off stamping one heart over the other. As she watched her older sister making patterns with hearts and covering the entire white sheet she tried to imitate that.
I brought out the cookie cutters and we did concentric hearts. Potato hearts inside cookie cutter hearts gave this Valentine art activity a new dimension.
My toddler was all about fully experiencing the potato stamps and creating beautiful valentine art with it. After stamping she used the potato as a stamping tool and “painted” all over her stamped hearts using the potato as a painting tool.
Here are all the heart prints. We have so many options :turn them into Valentine’s day cards, booklet or simply display this Valentine art on your wall.
My preschooler is not big on themed colors.. Here are our green hearts..”I want my hearts to be green.”
Other Valentine’s day crafts we have done.
- Rose Scented Play dough
- Rose Scented Valentine’s day cloud dough recipe
- Valentine’s day hand print cards
- Valentine’s day straw blown cards
- Valentine’s Heart Butterflies
Thanks for reading
More Valentine’s day crafts on our Pinterest Board as well.
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Hi, just came across this on pinterest( randomly). We did this over the weekend:) Great minds think alike. Will added a link to this in my post!