Home Featured Valentine’s day activities : Sensory activities with rose goop

Valentine’s day activities : Sensory activities with rose goop

Valentine’s day activities : Sensory activities with rose goop

Valentine’s day activities : Sensory activities with rose goop

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We are kicking off brand new Valentine’s day activities with this yummy rose goop! A very simple way to start talking about Valentine’s day and what it may mean to your child.

Since the children went way too crazy ( in a good way)  and had too much fun with lots of hand waves, movements, pouring on each other etc AND since I’m no expert photographer all my action shots are kind of blurry!

So I hope you have seen our Rainbow Oobleck? What’s better than vibrant messy play? Goop and sensory activities in general are some of my kids’ favorite activity to do at home. Just feeling whatever sensory element in front of them is kind of therapeutic I guess ( for a while at least before the giggles and bathing each other with goop starts!) This rose goop we made as a part of our Valentine’s day activities is so easy to whip up and keeps them entertained for extended time. Here they are having fun with their disappearing hand prints.

toddler play time in rose goop

Even I can’t get enough of the wonderful texture of oobleck/ goop. Bonus – this one smells delicious! Just like Feb 14th?

rose oobleck valentine messy play

Just pouring it and watching this “magical” substance change texture never ceases to amaze them.

ooeey oobleck valentine play time

So much squeezing and scooping going on which I think is a great fine motor work out.

oobleck fun with a rose scent

I have this habit of introducing more materials only if requested and in stages. After some basic sensory play was done, my 5 year old asked for bugs to get stuck in there. So much imaginative play happened with multiple stories about bugs getting trapped in the rose muck and the queen lady bug saving them all..

bugs in rose goop much

valentines day sensory play with goop

To make this sweet smelling rose goop

rose scented goop recipe


  • Cornstarch ( 2 boxes)
  • Food Color
  • Rose Body Oil
  • Rose scented glycerin (optional)
  • Water

Here is the link to the oil we used. Empty the cornstarch in a shallow tub and add desired amount of food color. Add about 1 table spoon of rose oil and 1 table spoon of rose water glycerin. Add more if you need a stronger fragrance. Keep adding water until the cornstarch’s consistency changes to a ooeey gooey substance. Ideally it will remain solid and you can actually make a ball out of it. Once you stop applying pressure it pours down like a liquid. That’s when you stop adding the water and start playing!

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Valentines day sensory play with rose scented goop

Stop by and check out our Valentine’s day activities round up

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