No Valentine’s day crafts series can go on without a paper roll craft, right? So for the next Valentine’s day activity we have a wonderful “Heart Butterfly” Valentine craft that can double up as a candy holder for all the kids in the class ( or just for your kids)
Either way this is an easy one..
[box title=”Things we used” color=”#333333″]
- Kitchen paper rolls cut in halves
- Tissue Paper
- Foam Hearts
- Pipe Cleaners
- Googly eyes
Big A, my very discerning girl when it comes to “accepting” play invitations was curious to find out what we are going to make with rolls again. Instead of just instructing her on the process of creating a butterfly, I set out the materials and had her think how we can make one. I have found that with an adult directed craft activity, involving the kids in the process discussion is a great way to extend their attention span and enthusiasm in the activity.
This time I just mentioned we are making her a cute insect. Lady bug? Nope, something which begins with the thing you love to eat with bread. Butterfly. Yay! You see in our house the best kind of “ invitation to play” is a fun animal riddle.
Here is how we did our fun and easy Valentine’s day craft.
Just so you know, we used kitchen paper rolls cut into half for this craft. If you are thinking of using this as treat/candy holder better to stay from toilet rolls ( just in case..feels better)
We started off gluing the tissue paper on the paper roll and then switched to just rolling the tissue paper on the paper tube and folding the edges inside the 2 holes of the roll.
Using a knife we cut out 2 slits on the either ends of the paper roll. Then we attached the butterfly’s body parts>. [Science lesson staring at us] Foam hearts for wings, pipe cleaners for antennae and googly eyes and a smiling mouth. Since this craft was a very involved fine motor activity I helped Big A through out the way with the knife slits, taping the antennae inside the paper roll etc, so sorry no action shots.
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Now you can easily turn these Valentine’s day crafts into treats holders by closing off one end of the paper roll and inserting a treat bag full of well..treats..
We are having a great time making Valentine’s day crafts and have a few more to share. Big A’s pre school class has a fun time celebrating Valentine’s day by exchanging small treats and favors with other kids. This may be the year where we bring home made treats/favors?
If you need more Valentine’s day activities , please visit our Pinterest Valentine’s board.
More on our Valentine’s day crafts page
Our other Valentine’s day activities
- Rose Scented Play Dough
- Sweet Smelling Sensory Play with Cloud Dough
- Easy “hearts” Art
- Hearts Butterflies treats holder
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