Home Art Projects Pumpkin Crafts for Kids: Lentil Pumpkins

Pumpkin Crafts for Kids: Lentil Pumpkins

Pumpkin Crafts for Kids: Lentil Pumpkins

Pumpkin Crafts for Kids: Lentil Pumpkins

Kids can build their fine motor skills while working on this cute pumpkin craft for Halloween or the fall season. We have created sparkly pumpkins with ice cream salt and today we are using lentils to create a fun pumpkin.

Materials {affiliate links for your reference}

Orange Lentils

Green Lentils

Assorted Lentils

Cardstock Paper

White Glue

Black markers

Use a pumpkin silhouette template and cut 2 of them and glue them on heavy paper or a cardboard.


We are a vegetarian family and use a ton of lentils in our everyday cooking. I have a wide variety of them in many colors { orange, yellow, green, black, red haha!!} If you are interested take a look the assorted lentils link in the materials section. Lentils is one of our most important source of proteins  right after chick peas

I had an overflowing amount of lentils and inspiration struck and I set out this invitation to create pumpkins using lentils.

Since we will be using heavy materials like lentils I would suggest that the paper you use for this art project be as heavy as possible. Better yet, use a cut up cereal box or cardboard and glue the pumpkin cut outs on them so that the finished product is sturdy enough to hang or display.

Instructions for lentil pumpkins craft

Have the child glue over the pumpkin/Jack O’ Lantern except the eyes, nose and mouth. It’s a good time to NOT go easy on the glue since they have adhere the lentils. A thick coating of white glue should suffice. I had 2 cups of orange lentils and green lentils{not pictured} near by.


If you want more colors {black for the eyes} then you could take a look at these assorted lentils that has black lentils in their set.

kids pumpkin

The kids will gently pour the lentils or even scoop with spoons over the wet glue area.


Use the green lentils for the leaves and orange for the pumpkin itself.

orange pumpkins with lentils

If you have black lentils fill up the eyes, nose and mouth with them or simply fill them with black markers.

pumpkins with lentils

Finish off with these great Pumpkin themed books {clickable images}



Thanks for reading



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