Girls squabbling over a piece of dried up play-doh they found under the treasure box that is our couch.Here is how you build a cave for polar bears with play-doh.
Mommy S: Alright, you guys need to play nice.
Big A: Yeah. Baby A is not nice. Mommy you are nice. You play with me.
Mommy S : Ok what just happened?
Big A : I want a cave.
Mommy S: What? ( I so wanted to make that into a phrase.)
Big A : I want to build a cave using play-doh.
Mommy S: One minute I’m pinning stuff (mommy stuff), next minute I’m bombarded with a demand sweet request from my girl.
I really find it difficult to ignore Big A’s initiative to engage in a creative project because she is awesome like that.
Only recently have I started making play doh at home just for Big A. She used to love the whole “helper” gig along with the mixing and measuring. Now the interest has fizzled off and she says “Nah. Let me know once the play doh is done. I just want to make a cave”.
Using this recipe I make some Icy bue Kool Aid play-doh
The icy blue play-doh quickly became an ice cave for a polar bear. With Big A, she has her own ideas when it comes to building; building anything at all. I show this kid an image of a cave and offer her to show her how to make a cave. She refuses and goes on to make a flat structure and insists that’s a cave.
Big A: It is different than yours because it is an Indian cave. Indian polar bears like flat caves.
Look out zoologists; we have polar bears in India.
[box title=”Stuff” color=”#b11616″]
- Play -doh using Icy blue raspberry lemonade flavored Kool Aid.
- Cotton Balls
- Arctic animals.
[box title=”Possibility” color=”#b11616″]
Endless. Play scene can be as elaborate or as simple as you want. You can use shaving foam for snow. Create icy rivers, lakes with paint and foil.
[box title=”Reality” color=”#b11616″]
Cotton Balls for snow was Big A’s idea and so was the “icy cold” cave for the polar bear. The girls had fun playing in the arctic zone. It was all her creation without any prompting from mommy.