Home Art Projects Art activities for kids : Homemade stickers for story telling

Art activities for kids : Homemade stickers for story telling

Art activities for kids : Homemade stickers for story telling

Art activities for kids : Homemade stickers for story telling

Homemade stickers through this simple art activity to promote artful story telling

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We have been on  a big art activities for kids kick in the last few days. Why not right? Kids art is a big part of our lives and this blog! I personally see the children break into big smiles while creating something, especially with our homemade art supplies. Today we share a simple method to make homemade stickers that aid in pretend play, art activities and more importantly in great story telling sessions.

Materials { affiliate links to the products used provided below for your reference}

Invitation to create

I suggest you use just heavy paper like card stock since you will be brushing it with liquid. My children wanted to draw on colored paper as well. But to make stickers that don’t tear off just bring out just the card stock paper.

After the supplies are set up, the kids are free to create their own art on tiny papers. Those cut up paper squares were suddently very unique and the kids eagerly painted.

 art project for kids where they make DIY stickers

They used both the fabulous Paint Brush Pens and Liquid Watercolor Paints to make their creations.

handdrawn pictures ready to be turned into homemade stickers

Don’t you agree that art activities for kids is such a fantastic way to inculcate wonderful skills in children? I mean this art project has everything — fine motor skills development, pretend play skills development, story-telling skills development.

art activities for kids using homemade gelatin stickers

How to turn the kids art into Homemade Stickers

To turn the kids art into stickers, you will need some unflavored gelatin or regular flavored Jell-O. I used flavored Jello. Dissolve about a tablespoon of Jello ( I used watermelon and pineapple from our tropical fruits rice and summer play dough). For 1 tbsp of Jello powder I used about 1/5 TBSP of hot water. Once the Jello dissolves in hot water, set out your colorful Jello water and the kids art out for the children to create their own stickers in this wonderful art activity.

The kids just loaded up their paint brushes with Jello water making sure they scoop up lots of the Jello mixture in it. Then they brushed all the pictures with the mixture on the backside. We set the pictures to dry backside up for about 1 hour so. Once completely dry kids can simply lick and stick. Mine did that and some were gently dampened with water using a sponge and then stuck.

creating homemade stickers by painting

Use  heavy paper to create their stories and scenes since regular white paper will not take water very well.

art activity with gelatin stickers

Here are the completed art from both of them. One of my 6 year old’s story is where she is living alone by herself and visiting daddy and mommy when they are old. What!!!?

completed art activity with arty stickers

More art activities for kids on on our category page

Stop by our Pinterest board for more kids art inspiration

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Story writing with stickers Homemade Lick and Stick stickers

Check out our resourceful e-book filled with many preschool play ideas.

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We have also collaborated on another e-book with simple and practical baby play ideas.

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