Home Art Projects Art Activities for Kids : Scented Fizzy Paints

Art Activities for Kids : Scented Fizzy Paints

Art Activities for Kids : Scented Fizzy Paints

Art Activities for Kids : Scented Fizzy Paints

Make sweet smelling homemade paints and then make them fizz. Easy art activities for kids that will “wow” them! The best part? you may have all the supplies in your kitchen.

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Kool- Aid  ( drink mix)

Baking Soda (bicarbonate of soda)

Watercolor Paper/heavy paper

Paint Brush Set

Art Activities for Kids : Homemade paint with Kool-Aid

Kool-Aid is a flavored drink mix that come in small packets/envelops/sachet.  The above link will take you to the product page where you read more about the product.

Empty the Kool Aid powder in cups and add just enough water to make watery “paint”. The fragrance is just too good and your kids will be eagerly awaiting to dive in and paint with this kind of paint. A good break from the usual washable Kids Paint , don’t you think?

Use watercolor paper or any heavy paper like card stock paper.

Time to paint – paint with homemade paints!

Kool Aid Paint

Once the child is satisfied with the art she created with your homemade paint, it is time to move on the most exciting part of this art activity. If you are like me haha, you will not have closed the lid on your baking soda ( bicarbonate of soda) box properly and that would have resulted in baking soda chunks. Use those soda chunks and grate them over your art!

scented art that fizzes

Due to your amazing “closing the box” skill if you haven’t managed to create soda chunks, then all you can do is sprinkle the baking soda over your Kool-Aid art and watch the paper fizz, bang and erupt!

scented art project

This really is the most fun part of this art activity. The resulting effect is gorgeous to say the least. Combine the fun with the scent from the paint and texture the soda creates, you ( erm.. your kid!) can watch and do this art activity for hours!

erupting art

Alternative # 2

Another cool way to use the same materials is first make “baking soda” paint. Yeah, go the other way! Add water to 2 spoons of baking soda and make thick ( not too watery) paint and have the kid spread it over a thick sheet of paper

baking soda paint art projects forkids

Then you dip your paint brush in your Kool-Aid paints and gently place them on your baking soda paint. The immediate chemical reaction is astounding! The colors fizz and spread and result is beautiful art.

scientific art with eruptions

We experimented with gorgeous fizzy circles.

baking soda and kool aid art

My toddler insisted on making a fizzy butterfly. Print out a butterfly on a thick sheet of paper ( if you printer will take it) and have the child paint the butterfly with the “baking soda paint” first. Then she colors the butterfly with the Kool-Aid paint.

art projects with science twist

Tada! Fizzing Butterfly Art.

fizzing butterfly art

The Citric Acid in Kool-Aid reacts with the baking soda and makes those fun fizzies (resulting carbon-di-oxide) which are awesome to look at and give the art great texture.

Kool Aid Fizzing Art

The art actually stores pretty well. Once the art work are all dry, dust off the baking soda off of the paper and you can store them. They make great scratch and sniff art!

pastel fizzy art

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Scented Fizz Art


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