Home Art Projects Art activities for summer : Squirt gun painting

Art activities for summer : Squirt gun painting

Art activities for summer : Squirt gun painting

Art activities for the summer

What’s summer without a good old messy backyard game? We love open-ended art activities which involves copious amounts of paint and today’s post is no exception. An example from the past – spaghetti brush painting.

Squirt gun painting

[box title=”Things we used” color=”#333333″]

  • Squirt guns
  • Powdered Tempera
  • Water


We tried using watered down kids paint for this squirt gun painting art activity. But the colors were not vibrant enough to get the kids excited. You need to add some water to the paint so that it actually squirts. Adding water however really reduces the color factor. That’s where powdered paint come into picture.

The kids had fun making paint by adding water to the powdered tempera and I added the paint to our squirt guns.

materials for squirt gun painting

My preschooler helped me make these canvas for the fun water paint project. What’s a canvas? Just sheets of white paper taped to our wall using painter’s tape.

canvas for painting

She wrote down a few numbers and helped me trace  a few shapes. I wanted this fun backyard summer art activity to also have a small dose of learning which is totally optional though. Full disclosure: they did not pay any attention to the shapes or numbers and simply went berserk with the paint guns. Ha!

paintng with water guns

You could easily make this squirt gun painting into a number recognition, shape recognition or color recognition activity. Call out the numbers and have the kids squirt paint! How simple and cool is that? It is also great for aim and hand-eye coordination.

Hey look at me! I’m painting with 2 water guns! The colors were so vibrant and literally shined in the sun. The art activity was so much fun and beautiful to look at.

beautiful painting

Of course this was bound to happen. Paint your sibling.

art activities turned games

Once we exhausted the canvas space we went ahead and started squirting paint on ourselves.

play with paint guns

If you have an older child he/she can create cool patterns squirting paint.

beautiful art with splash painting

Isn’t it fun and beautiful?

Affiliate links to powdered tempera paints.

Here are a few affiliate links to powdered paint and squirt guns

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    • The powdered tempera we used does stain a little bit. For a party you could try watered down washable kids paint.

  1. Any tips on filling the squirt guns?? I tried to do this yesterday with liquid water color paints and had a hard time getting the paint to go into the squirt gun. Thanks!!

    • I filled them just like how I’d fill any water gun. I would think liquid watercolors would be easier since they are not as thick as tempera.


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