Art projects for kids : chalk blocks with liquid chalk markers
Using bright, vibrant liquid chalk markers on freshly painted chalkboard paint is a wonderful arty sensory experience. We did this a few years ago on milk cartons that were painted with chalkboard paint. The kids turned them into glowing haunted houses with chalk markers. Today we are sharing this fun art project for kids using liquid chalk and regular chalk that was fun and relaxing. We all need a big dose of positivity during these times.
Materials ( affiliate links to the supplies on Amazon)
- Liquid Chalk Markers
- If you prefer neon and metallic colors
- Chalkboard Paint
- Small Wooden Craft Cubes
- Paint Brushes
- White Chalk
On to the art project..
We used plain wooden blocks that we purchased a while ago from a wooden toys manufacturer online. It was basically a giant box of wooden loose parts that had peg dolls, cubes, spools, discs, buttons, wooden eggs and so much more. This was maybe 4-5 years ago and now I see many toy manufacturers put together a kit with wooden loose parts like these
From our loose parts box we picked a few unfinished blocks that were sort of same size. Most of the blocks were pretty smooth and were easy to paint. Got out the chalkboard paint and gave them all a good couple of coats of paint. we painted a few sides, let them dry. Now we held the blocks with the dry side and finished the rest of the sides.
Once the wooden blocks are painted all black with the chalkboard paint, they are ready to be colored. Our first choice of art supply were our favorite chalk markers that are gorgeously vibrant and perfect for the jet black background of the wooden blocks.
This stage of this art project is so versatile. Depending on the age and temperament of the children this kids activity can go in so many different directions. I can see pattern making and pattern matching activity. For preschoolers lot of playful number matching or alphabet recognition activity can be made with these blocks ( More alphabet activities here)
For us this was clearly an art project that used a lot of chalk markers!! haha.
My child ( 9 y.o) had a great time making different patterns using an array of colors. It was very exciting for her to press and watch the liquid chalk ooze out of the tip.
It was interesting to stack them up and arrange them a certain way. I found it exciting to watch her engage in this art project in a different way than she used to a couple of years ago. With this chalk blocks art project, she spent so much time setting up the blocks in a specific way – altering the arrangement until she was satisfied. Our resident artist paid attention to the colors and designs- whether they complement, contrast or clash. These kids do grow up right in front of your eyes! She chose green and orange liquid chalk for one block, green and pink for another, yellow and purple. The choices were very intentional and these small things really jolt me into the reality that my little Baby A ( that is how I referred to her in my first few posts) is now a young girl who clearly takes art very seriously.
After a bright, vibrant color art blocks we switched to a black and white theme that was just as appealing to our senses as the bright and cheery ones. Something so simplistically, calm and dare I say sophisticated with just black and white art. She drew designs and simple patterns.
This next step was something I needed that day. She wrote a lot of beautiful, positive and cheery words on all of the blocks to.
We have these cheery and happy looking chalk bocks displayed in our living room for a big dose of positivity that we all need during these critical times. Oh by the way – this is NOT a sponsored post in case you are wondering. We love chalk markers!
Thanks for reading. Pin so you don’t forget.
Stick around and take a look at all the books we have co authored. Many different kids activities idea all neatly packaged in one spot with a handy supply list.
Click on this image to go through all our art projects we have done over the years. You will find something that fit your family!