This candy craft will come in really handy when Halloween rolls around. Crafts with candy and crafts with candy wrappers may seem undoable because you might think “my kid would want to eat that candy, not craft with candy”. But kids love to create with non-toys, even candy remember.Read on..
Like many kids, Big S loves her sugar candies. With candy comes the need to keep reminding that the wrappers need to go to the trash bin. The girls love to throw them up and pretend they are butterflies. Laughter and giggles to follow from all the messing up.
[box title=”We made butterflies & flowers” color=”#b01212″]
- Sugar candy
- Candy wrapper
To quiet them down, I took the wrappers and started twisting them to make simple butterflies. The candy wrapper play is perfect for my baby who is almost 1. The sound of crushing plastic just excites the young ones.
Smooth out the wrappers and give them a good twist. You might have to twist them a couple of times for them to hold their shape. Sounds simple ? Trust me it is not that easy for a 4 yr old. It called for some serious motor skills.
We made some cute, colorful butterflies.
Big S squeals: Flowers mommy ! Butterflies need flowers .
I saw the pack of candy and said ” Let’s make flowers with these”
Big S: No. That’s my food mom.
Did she just say candy is her food?
Resistant at first to turn the little delicacies into crafting material, she finally started making flower shapes with them. Sure enough munching on a few here and there. They really were irresistible.
The candy flower patterns looked so cute, it inspired us to make a scenery with them. This is where things got a bit more interesting. She chose the picture frame from our earlier “shell crafts” as the backdrop for our scenic creations.
[box title=”What we used to make our scenery” color=”#b01212″]
- Picture frame from “nuts about shells”
- Sugar candy
- Glue
- Leaves
- Small sticks
- Candy wrapper butterfly
She made the candy flowers and glued them to our frame. Small sticks and leaves from the yard made the stem and leaves. She added the butterflies to make them – you guessed it – “Beautifuller”
Pretty neat don’t you think ?
[box title=”Learning de jour” color=”#b01212″]
- Understanding Nature
- It screams out – Fine motor skills
- On the lighter side she learnt – Eating too much candy can give you a tummy ache.
Thanks for reading
Happy Sharing
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We started using the pistachio shells here.
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Very cute pictures! We always have an excess of candy it seems; definitely a good way to use it.
Thats the best part 🙂 ! Thanks .