Home Christmas Sensory Activities for Kids : Winter Sensory Bin

Sensory Activities for Kids : Winter Sensory Bin

Sensory Activities for Kids : Winter Sensory Bin

Sensory Activities for kids : Winter Sensory Bin

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Since we live in a snow-less city we created our own snow themed sensory activities for the kids. {Acces all our sensory activities for kids here} It was so simple and so much fun. Before going ahead with the winter Christmas sensory bin, I wan to share the simple toddler Christmas craft that started it all. { Access all our Christmas crafts and activities here} I wanted to spend time with my toddler doing a Christmas craft and we picked a really simple one that will not challenge her attention span! The best part is big sis came up with this activity all by herself. You know here, we celebrate and cherish kid-initiated activities; we have already done a couple of posts in the past. You can read about them Sweet Potato Bird and Bead Maze.

For this simple Christmas tree craft we used Craft Sticks Card Stock Glitter Glue and Sequins

We cut out triangles from green construction paper. Then we gathered our favorite decorating materials ( I wanted to keep it as toddler friendly as possible and gently reminded her older one and about it) So older one chose stickers and glitter glue.Armed with supplies, we started decorating the leaves.The girls made a sticker tree from gold stars first which was great for their fine motor skills. The toddler especially surprised me with her sticker adhesive peeling skills.

To make things more sparkly, glitter glue came into picture. My younger one was excited at first with the glitter but soon found out that she has press really hard to get the glue out. Her perseverance paid off since the leaves were FILLED with glitter.

Big A tried to use it like a pen and make patters. She was partially successful. Focusing on getting the glitter glue out of the tube while making sure a pattern forms is not that easy.. So most of the times she tried to get the glue and were very ecstatic once it did.

We let the leaves dry for a bit and then came back to glue on the craft sticks to the leaves.Here we have our decorated trees..

Christmas crafts

The following day, I set out a fake snow Christmas sensory bin using the Christmas craft trees and Insta Snow. You can read more about the material we use here on Steve Spangler Science and on their own website.. It is called “ Insta snow”. It is non-toxic but is still a good idea to supervise small children and wash your hands after play. If you decide to buy it, here is an Amazon link for Insta-Snow)

insta snow activities

I filled  a baking pan with the fake snow and added plastic trees, letters, snow man toy and a Santa toy. I also added a cookie tin lid featuring them along with some plastic letters for burying. Any sensory bin needs scoops an cups and so we added some dessert spoons and a cup. christmas sensory

Both of them had a field day feeling and pouring the snow.

A few ideas of the play process –sourced by my toddler

  • She scooped and transferred to the cup
  • She created snow fall which was oh-so-fun!
  • She pulled down the cookie tin lid and hid all the letters under the snow

snow fun
frosty the snowman activites

Big A kept making her special appearances when she heard my younger make squealing noises. When the older came by, she stuck some magnetic letter on the cookie tin and covered it snow. Then dumped all the snow back and screamed “magic” to her sister revealing the magnetic letters still on the tin.Snow fun activities

Both the kids created a tiny hill for Frosty ( may be for skiing?) How ironic! Frosty on the slopes.

winter sensory activities

Here are some more shots of their play winter sensory bin

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