Home Messy Play Cloud doughh + Play doughh

Cloud doughh + Play doughh

Cloud doughh + Play doughh

This activity SHOULD be done outside, I mean really. It is such a messy delight for kids that it is a sin to deprive the kids of such a fun activity.

[box title=”Stuff” color=”#8d1111″]

  1. All purpose Flour
  2. Baby Oil
  3. Container
  4. Whatever props you think your kid would enjoy


[box title=”Here is the ultra simple recipe” color=”#8d1111″]

  1. 8 Cups of all purpose flour
  2. 1 cup baby oil.


You can vary the baby oil quantity to adjust to your preferences. Just mix the stuff with your hands to get the flour to a moldable consistency.

Make sure you have the stuff in a tray, bin or at times  a plastic wading pool. I have seen moms who have had the entire set up in a kiddie pool- pretty smart. For me, trial activities start small.

Big A started off with just feeling the texture of the cloud dough by pouring them between her hands and getting the flour to fall through her fingers. The girls hid their hands in the cloud dough and had fun finding them. Slowly they got very excited that they had to play their usual game “ It is raining… It is raining flour, it is raining flour.

[box title=”I gave them” color=”#8d1111″]

  1. measuring spoons
  2. cookie scoop
  3. sand molds
  4. straws
  5. cups


They started off with making flour castles and smashing them quickly.


Then Big A flattened out the cloud dough and started setting up her animals in there. As of today, the appeal of the animals was low and the princess were ranking much higher. A cloud dough wall was set up and two camps of princess stood on the opposite sides waiting to fight apparently! These are the types who don’t lift their pinkies.


Major pretend play there. Lots of imaginary story lines from Big A while baby A was content scooping, pouring and mixing while occasionally complaining about the cloud dough which lands on her head. Big A claims that it is accident. Yeah right, when it happens 4 times in 5 minutes I doubt it.

Once a princess battles were over, the scene swiftly moved to the ubiquitous baking area. With cups and scoops galore, it was only natural we made cakes and ice creams.

A few pieces from her picnic set were used to create different cookie shapes. I tried getting baby A to notice the different shapes, but to no avail. She was super busy purposefully pouring the cloud dough on the ground. Rules like “Keep the stuff inside” goes over her head. Ah well, she has time to muck around with geometry. Right about now, throwing cloud dough back at Big A for revenge seems to be the only thing on her mind.

Big A on the other hand was into creating different shapes and smashing them I hasten to add because she still enjoys the latter when it comes to messy play. Legos and wooden logs are a whole different issue where a diligently constructed model should stay there undisturbed by her sister until she is ready to let them go. She did make a quite a few cakes with large amounts of sprinkles on them.



Here are the cloud dough sweets all prettified with play dough sprinkles. Read further to see how we made our own our own fake sprinkles.


The fake sprinkles – they are just dried out play dough.

Here is what I did for fake sprinkles..

Gather all the dried out play dough and run it in the food processor to get this.

Anyway, we elaborated on the ice cream scene with paper cones and dried out play dough. The cloud dough made amazing ice cream scoops.

I have to mention that we played with a few of Big A’s friends and one of her friends seemed more interested in the ice cream cone than the any of the girls.

Here are his cones

The girls had by now scurried off inside Big A’s room to play. But the one guy stayed outside with me to make more cool stuff.

Like this awesome igloo

It was a blast! Since we had friends over, the cloud dough play lasted a longer time than the usual.

Shared on

Tuesday Tots

It’s Playtime

Momnivore’s Dilemma


 Friday Frugal Fun


  1. e love cloud dough too. Yo are so right – definitely an outdoor activity! I’ve pinned this to the Tuesday Tots Pinterest board. Thanks for linking up! I hope we see you again this week.

  2. Awesome! Love this idea, especially the play doh sprinkles, what a fab way to use otherwise wasted play doh!

    • Yeah. I’m always cleaning up dried bits from under the couch, under the table, bed etc. We just put them to use this time!

      Thanks for stopping by.

    • Sprinkles really do it for the kids. These fake sprinkles seems like a better alternative( cost wise) for us!

      Thanks for stopping by our blog.

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