Home Art Projects Earth Day Art with puffy paint Earth

Earth Day Art with puffy paint Earth

Earth Day Art with puffy paint Earth

Earth Day Art with puffy paint Earth

Simple Earth Day Craft and art for younger kids with a quick puffy paint recipe.

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Talking about our planet has become quite easy with the 6 year old since they cover quite a few aspects of it at school. Like many Kindergarteners she has a good grasp of the Solar System and the our planet’s position there. However understanding the environmental conservation aspect of the planet is still a work in progress. While we still talk about the importance of saving our trees, recycling, reusing and generally cleaning up our space we have a long way to go.

Today’s Earth Day Craft and art uses simple materials

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Use a white paper plate and cut out a world map template. The template is really not necessary but my daughter wanted the map inside. So we gave that a go.

earth day craft with shave cream

For the simple puffy paint we used equal parts white glue and shaving cream { Our 1 minute puffy paint recipe post has tons of details about it}

creating earth with shaving cream

We used our favorite gel food color {linked above} to get nice bright colors.

painting with shaving cream puffy paint

If working with younger kids on this Earth Day Craft you could also make green as opposed to just giving them green puffy paint.

earth day puffy paint

Older kids will enjoy talking about the landmass and the water bodies on the planet. Simple questions may arise as to why they are using green for the land instead of brown.


Some kids would want to use their fingers to create their Earth Day art and that’s ok. It is all about exploration!

earth day craft for kids with colored shaving cream

I just love the peaks and the textures this simple puffy paint recipe produces.

earth day art with puffy paint

Let the paper plate Earths dry for a while. Once dry you will see the nice and puffed up paint up close. They make beautiful wall art if you want to display them.

wall art for earth day

If you leave your shaving cream for about 3 days, the puffy paint will go flat and it will eventually dry. However the kids did a cool thing – they were able to remove the map we had painted over since the glue apparently did not do a good job. Once you gently remove the map off the paper plate you will get a beautiful Earth art with lots of texture.

earth day art craft for kids

art for kids for earth day

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Earth Day art for kids with puffy paint Make a simple wall art with puffy paint for Earth Day Earth Day Crafts for kids|Kids Play Box

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  1. Love these earth day crafts! We’ll be making some blue & green slime for earth day too! We just did DIY terrarium necklaces to learn about the water cycle and have a fun spring craft that I think would be fun for Earth Day too!


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