Home Art Projects Easter Activities : Soap Eggs

Easter Activities : Soap Eggs

Easter Activities : Soap Eggs

To be honest, this Easter activity was created because the kids desperately wanted to use the “paint squirters” – my 4 year old’s name for pipettes  She is totally in love with these that could spend a lot of time squirting paint on paper towels. They are an awesome tool to explore colors, color mixing and absorption. See our cotton rounds art for inspiration to create with these tiny tools. We have had our share of plastic eggs and regular eggs fun for Easter. How about fragrant soap eggs? [box title=”Things we used” color=”#333333″]

  • Ivory Soap
  • Toilet Paper
  • Plastic Eggs
  • Liquid waterolors
  • Pipettes

[/box]The how-to I hope you know the Ivory Soap trick! If you don’t here is the short version. 1. Pop a bar of Ivory Soap in the microwave in front f the kids and become the “World’s best Parent” ever for letting them watch the magical transformation of soap. 2. You will be left with a fluffed up giant piece of soap which is crumbly. 3. Rip a few sheets of toilet paper. 4. Add soap, toilet paper and a bit of water(just enough to grind) and grind them in your blender/food processor. 5. You will have a gooey susbtance like the image below.

creating soap eggs for easter

If the soap is still too soft and goey just let it dry for an hour or so. Once the soap is a bit stiff you can start working on the eggs. The kids stuffed the soap into the plastic eggs. This was a truly fun sensory experience for them. For my younger one, this Easter activity was like heaven and we have not even done the paint bit. make easter eggs with soap as an easter craft

Once all the plastic egg halves were stuffed with soap, I spooned the halves out and attached 2 pieces together to make “close enough” eggs.

With the soap eggs on a platter, it was time to turn this Easter activity into an arty activity. This time we used our very vibrant liquid watercolors. We only recently “bought” liquid water colors since we have been using only our homemade watercolors (dried markers in water trick). But this is money well spent since the colors are phenomenal and fetches a lot of oohs and aahs.

color soap easter eggs with watercolor

With our pipettes the kids were off squirting water colors over the soap eggs for some cool effects.

coloring soap eggs for easter

Color mixing opportunities.

water color painting easter eggs

Our finished eggs

easter activities with egg soaps

Once the watercolors dried, we inserted some crafts sticks into our eggs and made them into egg lollypops

easter crafts with soap eggs

This soap eggs Easter activtity was sure a big hit at our house.

Other seasonal posts we have shared

Recently we have shared a few Easter and Spring Crafts. Click on the images below for full posts. For more ideas for a great Easter craft, visit our Easter Craft Board . We also have a Spring Activities Board. [table style=”1″]


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Hi friends, we are very glad to have contributed to a resourceful new e-book. Do you have toddlers or babies in your life and feel coming up with baby activities is so challenging? We, in collaboration with other bloggers have put together a book with GREAT activities for babies and toddlers.

Click here to read the review post

baby book


  • There are 25 unique baby/toddler play ideas.
  • The activities for babies and toddlers are explained very thoroughly with bright pictures and clear step-by-step instructions.
  • The ideas are very simple and perfect for busy new moms of babies and toddlers.
  • You will get exposed to 25 new blogs where the women behind the blogs share so many ideas for baby play, toddler play, preschooler play and up.
  • There are additional 50 links to whole new ideas for play.
  • There is a wide range of activities with classic baby play, sensory play, homemade toys and many learning activities.


    • I haven’t tried with any other soap. However I think it works only with Ivory Soap bar because of its “whipped” nature.


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