Easter is slowly creeping up on us and you know we love to create with paper. Any holiday craft we are making with the kids has got to be simple enough. Here is our first fun and easy Easter craft- make a basket with paper weaving. Paper weaving is a classic craft activity and my 4 yr old loves to use colors to create patterns through weave.
This Easter craft is a mess free activity yet provides all the fun for kids.
[box title=”Things we used” color=”#333333″]
- Construction paper
- Strips of Construction paper
- Scissors
- Egg templates
- Clear tape
- Glue
The how-to for the Easter craft.
I used a simple construction paper for the craft. Make long, equidistant cuts only to the lower half of the construction paper. We’ll call this the base sheet. Choose another construction paper, preferably a different color, which makes for a prettier weave effect. Cut this into long, equidistant strips. We’ll call this our color strips.
Now to begin, use the base sheet and the color strips and create the weave. You can choose to go over or under and keep alternating until you run out of room on the base sheet. This is a great patterning exercise for preschoolers. Create patterns with varying colors and varying weaves ( go over or under)
Kids might need a little help to get started but soon with a few weaves they can master the art of weaving in no time.
Once the weave is done, cut into a basket shape. Make sure to use a clear tape to hold the edges so that the weave doesn’t slip out.
Paper weaving is an excellent practice for fine motor, and learning patterns. You can do alternating colored strips of paper for nicer effect.
We cut out paper eggs using a stencil. My pre schooler had a great time using her water colors to decorate the paper eggs. It is upto you to include any kind of learning activity while decorating the eggs. Writing numbers on them, write names of family members, decorate with shapes patterning anything really. We just colored to our hearts’ contents and set them out to dry.
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We came back and stuck them on our paper weaved the Easter basket. We added a few plastic leaves to mimic grass and viola! our Easter craft is completed.
There you have it, a simple and easy Easter craft to make with your kiddos. Add a personalized message and gift it to your loved ones.
Display the Easter craft proudly on your walls with the year and date.
For a collection of Easter themed learning activities visit our earlier post.
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Excellent activities!Egg shell painting n Paper weaving basket…
That looks a really good idea.
Very cool idea! I think we will try this one at our house! And I love how the bow at the top really completes the look of an Easter basket. Thanks for sharing!