Home Art Projects Easter Craft :Egg Shell Painting

Easter Craft :Egg Shell Painting

Easter Craft :Egg Shell Painting

Have you tried painting an egg with a toddler? I have and it was not that easy, at least for us. Today’s Easter craft is a fun and easy one, even for toddlers. In our household the simplest way to paint an egg with a toddler is by creating an eggshell mosaic. We have a blown egg Easter craft coming up, but for today the kids created beautiful mosaics.

The first step in this Easter craft was the best part for them. I have been collecting a few eggs shells over a period of 2 weeks. I placed a few eggs shells in front of them along with a toy hammer. Their eyes sparkled with the question ” really mom?” and it ended with a ” thank you thank you mom” . The 4 year old squealed to her sister” Can you believe it ? We can crack the eggs with our hammer”!

egg break easter craft

Since we failed at painting eggs with my toddler, we let our toddler smash her eggs first and we collected the bits. I just roughly hand drew a supposedly egg shape on a white sheet of paper and the kids generously  applied glue on the sheets. Note: Given  a toddler’s attention span I would do a much smaller egg outline ( half a white sheet )

Later they stuck the egg shell bits to the paper. – <fine motor skills alter>

stick egg shells with glue

You can either let the egg shell bits  dry for 10 minutes or continue to paint like my kids did.

 egg shell gluing mosaic

We used acrylic colors and painted on the shells. My older one completed the gluing and painting all by herself. In the last month or so she has become very interested in art projects.

easter craft egg shell painting

My toddler needed a bit of help to complete her and I guess it was because I went over zealous with the size of the egg outline. Take care to print out a smaller egg to keep the initial interest in the art activity.

paint shells for easter craft

It was once again a great opportunity to reinforce color recognition. I’d like to state that my toddler now can recognize her basic color and she is able to do this only (stress only) because of painting and crayons. Even the book of colors did not do any good for her. Just letting her run wild with paint and  allowing her to mix and explore the colors has only finally led her to recognizer her basic colors. She is so much different from her older sister.

toddler craft for easter

After our color recognition exercise, we  set our eggs to dry. Here are our completed mosaics.

Easter Craft

I’d cut them out and string the eggs and turn the Easter Craft into a cute mantle display.

 Easter craft with toddlers

What Easter craft are you into lately? Share!

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Recently we have shared a few Easter and Spring Crafts. Click on the images below for full posts. For more ideas for a great Easter craft, visit our Easter Craft Board . We also have a Spring Activities Board.

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Hi friends, we are very glad to have contributed to a resourceful new e-book. Do you have toddlers or babies in your life and feel coming up with baby activities is so challenging? We, in collaboration with other bloggers have put together a book with GREAT activities for babies and toddlers.

Click here to read the review post

baby book


  • There are 25 unique baby/toddler play ideas.
  • The activities for babies and toddlers are explained very thoroughly with bright pictures and clear step-by-step instructions.
  • The ideas are very simple and perfect for busy new moms of babies and toddlers.
  • You will get exposed to 25 new blogs where the women behind the blogs share so many ideas for baby play, toddler play, preschooler play and up.
  • There are additional 50 links to whole new ideas for play.
  • There is a wide range of activities with classic baby play, sensory play, homemade toys and many learning activities.


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