Home Art Projects Easy art project for kids : Just Add Water Art

Easy art project for kids : Just Add Water Art

Easy art project for kids : Just Add Water Art

This is a very easy to set up water art project for kids ages 2 and above. All you need are crepe paper ( streamer paper) and water. I had crepe paper which come in sheets. But you could easily use streamer paper bits in various colors of your choice.

First step was the best since it involved lots of tearing. We loved ed tearing up the bright colorful crepe paper.

set up for craft with colored paper

With a paint brush the kids “painted” the paper with water. Now here there are numerous ways to do this crepe paper art project activity.

1. Spray water on a white paper and stick the colored paper bits- Good for a toddler

2. Use a brush and paint with water and then stick the colored bits – Good for a toddler

3. Arrange the bits in groups of 4/5 and use a medicine dropper to drench them with water – Good for a pre schooler and above

4. Arrange the bits in small groups and then dab them with water using a brush ( great practice for brush control) Good for a pre schooler

The kids arranged the bits, moistened the bits with water and waited for it to dry. As soon as the water hits the crepe paper you will see the color bleeding out on to the white paper.

paper art

>Here is one of the completed crepe paper art collage. Isn’t this water art project super fun and easy?

collage art for kids

Once the entire paper is dry, the kids had a fun time peeling off the paper and we were left these beautiful pieces.

water and paper collage kids activity

This activity is very toddler-friendly since it is very simple and doesn’t involve too many complicated steps. My toddler had a great time painting with water and had even more fun time sticking the colored bits. Good fine motor pratice.

As I had previously shown in our math series, we also used the bleeding art technique for a fun number recognition exercise here.

fine motor activities with math

We created many open ended collage type water art work. However my pre schooler is in a “scene phase” now where anything short of a particular order is frowned upon! As she grows up her mind is being conditioned to think a certain way!  So by her request we made a garden theme since her original jungle theme did not materialize due to lack of colors.

easy art project with paper and water

Notice how the color from the crepe paper is starting to bleed on to the paper creating this beautiful water crepe paper art.

easy paper and water art project for kids

She designed the scene and we both cut out the shapes needed. This was a great shapes and visualization exercise.  However we got over-zealous with the water in the garden scene and the paper soaked and eventually ripped. So watch out for those too eager “water pourers”.

crepe paper art

I really love how each arrangement is so unique in its own right. Here are our open ended creations by my toddler and pre schooler. Added bonus is that it is virtually no mess art activity kids will enjoy.

art with paper and water for kids

art projects result

This was done on a card stock paper.

paper and water art for kids

Fun water art project that every one should try.

art with water and paper

Here are some art projects for kids we have done in the past.We have painted with mud, Kool-aid art projects, we have used animal images to create fantastic animal resist art and even used spaghetti paint brushes to paint.

Thanks for stopping by our little space here. Hope you liked our water art project. We encourage you to stick around and take a look at couple of our popular posts.

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  1. I did this autumn color trees with the kids (and parents) for my son’s birthday party – it was a big hit. I’m very glad I did a trial run the day before though – the first crepe paper I used didn’t bleed at all! I had crepe paper from another brand though as well and that bled, thank heaven!

    • Glad to hear that the kids enjoyed the project. Some tissue paper don’t bleed at all. There are bleeding tissue specifically made for crafting purposes. Once upon a time all the tissue paper used to be bleeding tissues!

  2. Not sure what I did wrong here, but we used BOTH crepe paper and tissue paper with water using the painting technique and we didn’t get ANY color to bleed out. We ended up brushing on some Elmer’s glue/water in hopes that they would turn out as collage Easter Eggs instead.

    • Hi Kathryn, all crepe paper will bleed out colors easily on regular paper. Some tissue paper will bleed out color and if you go out and purchase “bleeding tissue paper” then ofcourse the color will release well. However if you are trying this project on hard boiled eggs for Easter here are my suggestions. We haven’t done bleeding tissue paper on eggs but this is what I have found: If you want them to bleed out colors on eggs, water might not always work. You will need vinegar for the colors to release. Combine “bleeding tissue paper” with vinegar on eggs for a better result. Let me know if these ideas worked for you. Happy Easter


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