Easy Mother’s day card with process art
We love homemade cards here! When the kids were younger they enjoyed craft and art projects that has a big element of process over product in it. As they grew up they loved crafts and open ended art projects equally.
Today’s art project that was turned into a Mother’s day card is kind of like a throwback so to speak since we did a whole lot of process art first.That’s exactly why this mother’s day homemade card will work for all ages because you can taking a simple free form art project – where the child is free to create and then turning into a card. That gives the child a lot of freedom and is not steered to make a card for mom a certain way.
I don’t have pictures of the bubble printing we did. It is actually a very easy art project you can do with the kids. Using a heavy paper like card stock paper or watercolor paper helped us a lot since this activity is going to suck up some water and you want something sturdy to make a card eventually. After the bubble printing paper dried you don’t want to be left with a paper that is buckling at the edges.
- Cardstock paper
or watercolor paper
- Bubble Solution
- Tempera Paint
or food color
- Straws and cups ( Red solo cups
really worked well for us)
- Silhouette file
Bubble Printing Art Project
We made 3-4 colors of bubble solution ( colored with food colors and paint) in small containers. Using a straw, we blew air into the containers and created bubbles inside the cup that would almost flow out. { Please I wouldn’t do this activity with a child that might accidentally suck the bubble water instead of blowing on the water} Once we have a good big bubble bubbling on the brim of our cup, we used our paper to gently place it on the top of the bubble to make a print on the paper. Solo cups, small plastic bowls all work well. We continued this until we filled out paper with a variety of colors.
To be honest we just left the process art at this stage after we made a few prints. However once the paper dried it looked too colorful and gorgeous to not to do anything with it. The bubble print paper definitely looked like a cool background for a fun art project. My 9 year old who really misses going to her art classes every week had a great time freehand drawing a mother and baby silhouette. Once finished she colored in with a black marker.
Then we cut out her silhouette and set it aside. In the meantime we used our bubble print paper and folded into half vertically and made it into a card. We placed the silhouette on top of the folded card and it looked stunning!
She tried placing the silhouette in different directions and locations and they all looked beautiful! At this point since, since the silhouette turned out pretty good, she attempted to digitize it and was able to create a vector image for the silhouette. Yes it was a very exciting day for her! This is her first attempt at creating a vector ( again hand drawn) { downloadable link at the end of this post}
We ended up adding a couple of pieces of texts on the images to give it a more finished look.
What started as a simple process art project morphed into a card with a silhouette image to go with it.
If you like the silhouette drawn by this 9 year old ( I think it looks great, but hey! I’m biased :)) feel free to download the pdf file. Cut it out and make your own colorful art project and use the outline to turn your art into a homemade mother’s day card. We have included even the above images as full resolution files for you to download. Print them out on card stock paper and write your message on the back of the paper! Easy!
Click here to download the mother and child silhouette
Click here to download Every day is mother’s day graphic – landscape
Click here to download portrait size
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Thanks for reading!
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