Home Season Fall Fall Activities: Fall Sensory Jars

Fall Activities: Fall Sensory Jars

Fall Activities: Fall Sensory Jars

Fall activities: Fall Sensory Jars

More fall activities underway when we wrap up our wonderful Fall Play Ideas series. Today is the last day and our theme is nature. If you are just joining us, you can catch up on our earlier posts here.

Apple playdough recipe with real apples, edible, scented apple paint, glow in the dark window clings and homemade fall spices crayon candles.

We can’t wait for full on autumn season! But last week we were pleasantly surprised to find actual fall leaves on the streets Well, they are nothing compared to the rest of the states, but my 4 year old was excited to find red, spotty leaves on the ground. We stopped and collected a bunch of time along with the pods,seeds and small twigs.

We are making fall sensory jars.

Supplies {affiliate links}

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sticks and twigs to make sensory jars

Our wonderful collection. My daughter wanted to add a few fall silk leaves we had.

materials for fall discovery bottles

To make these fall sensory jars first up, she added water to a few empty, clean glass jars. Upon her request I even added apple pie spice to the water. She enjoyed smelling the water.

smelling the jars

She added  about 1/3 cup of vegetable oil and then added yellow food color. We were mesmerized watching the color mix with the water. Alternatively you can also try adding liquid watercolors { we love Sax brand}

water and colors in jars

We observed the oil settle on top of the water and had a quick discussion about that [ Got to love on the go, learn while you play thing, right? Science while makinfgfall jars] Making these sensory jars is proving to be fun and educational.

oil and water

Then it was time to add the nature bits. She chose to add the small twigs first to the sensory jars.

add twigs

Doesn’t this look like a fall tree in a jar?

fall sensory

Later we added many leaves we  found and ended with adding the silk leaves to the sensory jars.

adding leaves to fall jars

Here she is testing ” silk leaves are lighter than water? I’m going to make then sink. Watch!” [ Again, another hands on science learning moment]

adding fake leaves to fall discovery bottles

 Just so you know, my toddler LOVED these fall sensory jars as well and made the small one and a sensory jar with small pumpkins.

Here are all our fall sensory jars.

fall snsory jars

We even made a green sensory jar.


Thanks for reading.

Check out our Fall Sensory Bin.


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Don’t forget to see what the other participating blogs have for day 5.

Sparkly Clean Mud Recipe from Learn Play Imagine

Fall Centerpiece Craft from Housing A Forest

Kid- made fall nature wreath from Fun at home with kids

Check out our resourceful e-book filled with many preschool play ideas.

preschool play book

We have also collaborated on another e-book with simple and practical baby play ideas.

baby book



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