Home Art Projects Fall Art Activities for kids: Fall Tree Art

Fall Art Activities for kids: Fall Tree Art

Fall Art Activities for kids: Fall Tree Art

Fall Art Activities for kids: Fall Tree Art

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{All our art activities can be accessed here}

Can’t wait for the cool and crisp weather! Fall is my favorite season- apples, pumpkins, the pies! More importantly the reassuring feeling that the Holiday season is not too far away! To celebrate fall, we tried a ever so popular art activity. Take a look at these kid created gorgeous fall trees in their red, orange, yellow glory!

We have already tried using straws for one of our art projects before- check out straw blown valentines day cards.  They also make a great tool for practicing those fine motor skills. Try out matches and straws fine motor activity.

Materials { affiliate links to the products linked below for your reference}

Set out straws, pipettespaint brushes  liquid watercolors along with some heavy paper.

We tried 2 techniques to create this fall art activity.   The first one based on That Artist Woman’s  fall tree art post on the same topic. {Thanks!}

First we talked about fall colors and the kids used them to paint a background on thick paper using liquid watercolors. This was such a fantastic experience for them since there was no t pattern or coloring inside the lines. Just good old free form painting with liquid watercolors.

materials for fall art project

The kids wanted to mix up all the fall colors and just have fun! If you are inclined this may be a good chance to show them brush strokes.

 fall art activities for straws

The bright colors just shines through!

art projects for fall

Then let the colors dry which shouldn’t take that long. Once completely dry on the same paper we started off the tree with a thick trunk using the straw itself.

art for kids for the fall season

Then I’d place a tiny drop of brown liquid watercolor on the paper and the children would blow them in the direction they prefer keeping in mind that they are trying to create a tree. Of course after a while the kids wanted to place the watercolor by themselves on the paper.

kids art for fall

All that’s left to do is to blow air through the straws pushing the watercolor as we go.

art for kids for fall

At this point my 5 year old decided that she was done! Here is our super vibrant fall art project.

kids art for fall

Since all younger siblings by law are required to engage in the same art activity as their older siblings here is my 3.5 year old’s take on straw blown fall tree.

toddler fall art project

The other method is where the kid paints just the sky and the grass. Then we go over and straw blow the tree and finally add the colorful fall leaves details using a paint brush ( or a marker) if you prefer.

kids fall art projects

Thanks for reading.

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Simple art project for creating a vibrant fall tree art

Check out our resourceful e-book filled with many preschool play ideas.

preschool play book

We have also collaborated on another e-book with simple and practical baby play ideas.

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