Home Crafts Fall Crafts for Kids : Kid Made Fall Banner with Burlap

Fall Crafts for Kids : Kid Made Fall Banner with Burlap

Fall Crafts for Kids : Kid Made Fall Banner with Burlap

Fall Crafts for Kids : Kid Made Burlap Fall Banner

Since we live in California we are not lucky enough to gather a ton of beautifully colored fall leaves. But we do have a sweet gum tree that changes color during the fall. We hold on to those precious leaves and were thinking of a way to use them in our fall activities and thus was created this burlap fall banner activity.

Materials { affiliate links to similar products}

This fall activity for kids will make a great collaborative activity if you are planning to set this up for a group.

How to make a burlap fall banner

We started off purchasing this orange burlap roll from our local craft store. I was able to locate a similar burlap roll online.


We unrolled them and I cut them into strips to create the letters. I sort of winged it but if you want an accurate banner go ahead and measure your letters’ height and cut accordingly. Use this website to learn how to cut burlap straight and without fraying.


Once the cutting was done my 5 year old enjoyed making the giant letters. Since we have been doing a bunch of fall crafts already she was very excited to participate in this one. She set about making the letters F-A-L-L.

Quick Tip : Since we will be using glue in the next step, I would roll out a big sheet of butcher paper or plastic table cloth and lay the burlap pieces on that.


Once the letters were created I set out our trusty fall themed knick knacks { silk leaves, yarn from our sticky fall tree activity, some table decor, plastic acorns and finally some real leaves} Product links are in the materials section above.


This is when that big sheet of paper will be useful. I found that pages from a glossy magazine worked better for us since I was able to remove the burlap from paper without damaging anything.

We went about and gathering our goodies and started simply gluing them on to the burlap. The silk leaves need a lot more white glue than the real leaves. We just covered the back of the leaves with glue and held it in place on the burlap for about 10 seconds.


We finished off the banner with the rest of the plastic acorns.


We left the banner to dry overnight on a large sheet of paper just to make sure our decorations will not fall off. Just a day of drying was great since everything was help up in place. To mount the burlap fall banner on the wall you can go two routes. Use fall themed Decorative Tape  to hold the fall banner in place or use push pins to mount them.


We finished off our fall decor with a simple garland made using silk leaves and taped them over our fall banner.


Thanks for reading

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