Home Crafts Fine Motor Activities : Sticky Lady Bug Craft

Fine Motor Activities : Sticky Lady Bug Craft

Fine Motor Activities : Sticky Lady Bug Craft

Fine Motor Activities : Lady Bug Craft

Gotta love ladybugs right? This kids craft which doubles as a fun fine motor activity even toddlers can do is pretty straight forward. Although this lady bug craft needs *some* preparation it is not that bad in terms of time, money and energy. A  big plus is the fine motor workout even the little ones get.

Here is the “how-to”

Materials ( Click on these links to take you the product page)-BTW, I’m writing this not to make you click on the affiliate links so that I can earn big pennies but only because I receive emails asking where I purchased the said products. The links have all the details}

Black Poster Board { available at most craft stores and dollar stores}

Solid Red Contact Paper { Occasionally available at office supplies stores}

Googly Eyes
 { available at most craft stores and  dollar stores}
materials for ladybug craft


I used a foil pie plate to trace a large circle on both the poster board and the red contact paper. I also traced out smaller spots (circles) and a head using the same poster board. Cut out black antennae for the bug.

Without peeling the sticky back off of the contact paper I cut it into 2 halves.

Then I flipped the contact paper with sticky side up and carefully removed the backing.

Now I glued the 2 halves of the contact paper (sticky side facing towards you) to the black poster board with a little bit of black ( the body) showing.

Attach eyes and antennae.

Set out the “spots”  ( black circles from the poster board)

{ My 5.5 year old helped with this preparation. I always try to involve her during preparation for my 3 year old’s activities}

ladybug craft activities with sticky bug

Then it is time to get those spots on the lady bug. Contact paper works like a charm when doing fine motor activities with toddlers. Have you seen our “sticky garden” and “sticky apple tree”? Don’t forget our“sticky yarn” and “sticky scavenger hunt”

 fine motor activities with lady bug theme

I taped the lady bug on our window.

sticky lady bug on the window

Thanks for reading

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Sticky Lady Bug Fine Motor Activity

If you are looking for a more “save it and play over and again” type of activity – take a look at my friend Stephanie’s “Lady Bug Counting and Matching Set” — you will love it.


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