Fine Motor Activities : Lady Bug Craft
Gotta love ladybugs right? This kids craft which doubles as a fun fine motor activity even toddlers can do is pretty straight forward. Although this lady bug craft needs *some* preparation it is not that bad in terms of time, money and energy. A big plus is the fine motor workout even the little ones get.
Here is the “how-to”
Materials ( Click on these links to take you the product page) –-BTW, I’m writing this not to make you click on the affiliate links so that I can earn big pennies but only because I receive emails asking where I purchased the said products. The links have all the details}
Black Poster Board
{ available at most craft stores and dollar stores}
Solid Red Contact Paper { Occasionally available at office supplies stores}
Googly Eyes { available at most craft stores and dollar stores}
I used a foil pie plate to trace a large circle on both the poster board and the red contact paper. I also traced out smaller spots (circles) and a head using the same poster board. Cut out black antennae for the bug.
Without peeling the sticky back off of the contact paper I cut it into 2 halves.
Then I flipped the contact paper with sticky side up and carefully removed the backing.
Now I glued the 2 halves of the contact paper (sticky side facing towards you) to the black poster board with a little bit of black ( the body) showing.
Attach eyes and antennae.
Set out the “spots” ( black circles from the poster board)
{ My 5.5 year old helped with this preparation. I always try to involve her during preparation for my 3 year old’s activities}
Then it is time to get those spots on the lady bug. Contact paper works like a charm when doing fine motor activities with toddlers. Have you seen our “sticky garden” and “sticky apple tree”? Don’t forget our“sticky yarn” and “sticky scavenger hunt”
I taped the lady bug on our window.
Thanks for reading
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If you are looking for a more “save it and play over and again” type of activity – take a look at my friend Stephanie’s “Lady Bug Counting and Matching Set” — you will love it.