Home Art Projects Fizzing Christmas Lights Art Project for Kids

Fizzing Christmas Lights Art Project for Kids

Fizzing Christmas Lights Art Project for Kids

 Fizzing Christmas Lights Art Project for Kids

Ever since we did out Kool-Aid fizzy art, the kids and I are on a arty science kick. { also see our pH strips red cabbage experiment} The kids aged 5 and 7 still enjoy all the baking soda and acid activities and we have done a plenty of them in the past.

Materials { affiliate links below}

I recommend checking out Apple Fizzing Art or our very first Kool – Aid Fizzing Art Project.

How to create Christmas Lights Fizzing Art

Using this wonderful Christmas Lights templates I cut out the lights on thick art paper. Do not use printer paper. I recommend card stock paper or watercolor paper for this project. {product links above}

  • In a small cup, add 2 TBSP of baking soda and and just enough water (  5 TBSP } to make a baking soda solution/paint.
  • Set out 5 containers and add 2 TBSP of Citric Acid
  • Add liquid watercolors or food colors to the Citric Acid
  • Add 6 TBSP of water and make a citric acid solution.
  • Set out paint brushes or pipettes { these will make more fizzes but will potential overflow}


First have the child coat the lights you have cut out with the baking soda solution. Make sure you scoop a bit of the baking soda that has settled down in the solution on to the paper.

Then either using the brushes or pipettes the child picks up the colored citric acid solution and drops/gently taps on the baking soda solution.


The citric acid and the baking soda react and create the fizzes { release of carbon- di – oxide gas}


Continue and experiment with all the colors.


While the pipettes generate a larger reaction, the reactions typically over flows and soaks the paper. So make sure you use heavy paper for this project. Alternatively you can simply use paint brushes for more controlled yet fun fizzes.


Let the Christmas lights dry.


Use some metallic paint on the bulbs for a goof finishing touch.

christmas art

String them on a twine and instantly make your living room look so festive

fizzing-art-for-christmas-lightsMore Christmas Crafts and other activities


Gifts for Art and Crafters!!




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