Home Crafts Halloween Craft for Kids : Glowing milk carton haunted house craft

Halloween Craft for Kids : Glowing milk carton haunted house craft

Halloween Craft for Kids : Glowing milk carton haunted house craft

Toddler Friendly Haunted House Craft for Kids

Engage the kids with this simple Halloween craft using milk cartons and create glowing and erasable haunted houses. This a great toddler halloween craft as well. Since this haunted house craft does not involve intricate cutting and lighting this is a perfect craft to with a large group of students. I can see this as perfect preschool craft during the Halloween season.

I have always come across gorgeous milk carton haunted house crafts on Pinterest but have steered clear of them when the kids were younger since those Halloween crafts involved using craft knives and careful cutting { It’s a great craft for older kids and parents actually} Since I have always LOVED the look  of lighted up haunted houses made with milk cartons, I was thinking of a way to almost recreate without so many steps so even toddlers can craft these beauties. This kids activity can serve as a low cost perfect boredom busters.

The one supply that sparked this entire Halloween craft activity is these amazing liquid chalk markers {cue angels singing…} Oh BTW, this is NOT  a sponsored post. I fell in love with these chalk markers since they are so versatile and almost mess free { not that we are mess averse. See our messy play category}

Materials { affiliate links}

Liquid chalk markers

Chalkboard Paint

Flat Paint Brushes

Dustless Fluorescent Chalk

Black Light  {optional}

Empty Milk Cartons

Toddler Friendly Haunted House Craft

This method uses the liquid chalk markers

I gathered 5 empty milk cartons, cleaned and dried them. Make sure you clean the inside thoroughly since I don’t have to tell you – spoiled milk reeeeeks! Ugh..

Using a big flat brush paint the milk cartons with black chalkboard paint. { I used the Kid Made Modern Brand from Target} But ant brand will work. Let the milk cartons dry overnight. My 7 year old enjoyed painting the cartons with the chalkboard paint since it was a swift job with a big brush. { Make sure you use a big brush so you can cover large areas in one stroke}

After you have created a chalkboard surface on your milk cartons you can ready to turn this activity into a super fun Halloween craft that kids of all ages { toddlers and above} can enjoy. Hop over here to check out all our Halloween activities for kids.

I set out these gorgeous liquid chalk markers with super vibrant colors and generally asked the kids to check them out. They first thought they were regular markers and then soon felt the difference. The colors are very bright and the texture is amazing. It was our first experience with chalk markers and they did not disappoint.


My kids and I had a great afternoon designing these haunted houses with the chalk markers.


Anything goes! They basically created their favorite Halloween creatures, gates, spooky doors and windows. It was a fun craft and had them stretch their imagination to create a house with a recycled material.


You can use the finished haunted houses as cute Halloween decor.


Both the kids felt that their haunted houses should not be covered a paper roof like it is traditionally done since they had created cute cat eyes and other markings that will otherwise be covered if I create a roof for the house.


So our Halloween haunted houses are without roofs but do have friendly skeletons dangling around.


That’s how the houses look in day light.  But we were not satisfied and waited until dark and plugged in our Black Light ! { Best $20 spent EVER!}

Glowing Haunted House Craft

This method uses the fluorescent chalk and regular chalk

Erasable Haunted House Halloween craft

This method is pretty cool since your haunted houses become erasable and that way you and the kids can decorate over and over. One day you will have a Frank house and the following a friendly ghost house. For this use fluorescent chalk { link in the materials section and at the end of the post} or regular chalk.


The glowing chalk is amazingly black light reactive and will glow vibrantly. This glowing activity was so exciting for the kids and they wouldn’t let me turn off the black light. By using regular chalk you have the advantage of redecorating them. Please note that liquid chalk is not erasable from milk cartons.


Once we had fun with regular chalk we had the best surprise. We brought in our haunted houses which were decorated with funchalk and the orange, green and yellow colors shone amazingly. These 3 colors looks fantastic under blacklight.


I love my daughter’s Halloween Kitty.


These really look like we cut out windows and placed a tea light inside them. It’s great that we were able to achieve the same effect without the multiple steps.


Doesn’t this look like a glowing city scape?



All our cute haunted house crafts all lined up under the black light.


Thanks for reading

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Wait! Take a look at all of our Halloween crafts here

All our fall crafts here

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