Home Crafts Homemade Beads

Homemade Beads

Homemade Beads

Recently, we whipped up some homemade clay using a simple clay recipe the other day. We made pumpkin spice fall ornaments. Continuing with the same theme, we made some fun and cute little beads for fine motor play through threading and jewelry making.

We followed the recipe mentioned in our previous post and made 3 gorgeous colors!  I used gel food colors to get the color I wanted. The orange, yellow and purple were vibrant!

clay for beads

Since this was technically “supposed” to be a surprise for the kids { I was thinking Halloween jewelry on Halloween day!} I rolled out tiny bead-size ball and make small holes using toothpicks.

clay beads for jewelry

 However with 2 kids under 5 I couldn’t obviously complete a project in 1 sitting.  Since I’m a horrible “hider” of things the project was spotted easily and the children wanted in. Sure. It became a fun afternoon family project. My almost 5 year old used toothpicks to stack her tiny balls and made an ice cream cone and a squid-like looking thing. { shh.. I can’t use such a tone- she gets offended when I can’t identify her creations properly haha)

finemotor with beads

We also flattened a few balls and made “flower” like impressions on them. We actually used mini pumpkins table scatter for this purpose.

homemade beads

We left the clay to air dry for a day. A few cracked but it did not matter since we were primarily using them for a fun threading activity.

dried clay beads

Even the 3 year old got really into it- simply because she “made” her own beads! Those colorful clay beads were perfect for her to enjoy a such an enriching fine motor activity.


My 5 year old was eager to use the pumpkin pressed “medallions” in one of the necklaces.

threading beads

She made a bracelet and I helped her with tying the knots.

clay bracelet

Here are the fine jewelry the kids threaded. Cute!


We are thinking of wearing these when we go trick or treating!

homemade bead jewelry

For more Halloween crafts for kids and other activities visit our category page

Thanks for reading

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    • I think gel food coloring have more vibrant colors kids will enjoy! The downside however is they do stain- only for a day though! Bath should take care of it.


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