Home Crafts Homemade Clay Recipe: Pumpkin Pie Spice Ornaments

Homemade Clay Recipe: Pumpkin Pie Spice Ornaments

Homemade Clay Recipe: Pumpkin Pie Spice Ornaments

Homemade Clay Recipe: Pumpkin Pie Spice Ornaments

It’s time to change up our mantle garland. We have made Easter ornaments, 4th of July Bunting, Summer flip flops garland. In order to embrace the pumpkin season, we made pumpkin pie spice clay. It smelled fantastic and made a wonderful canvas for quick art activities.

pumpkin pie spice clay


  • Homemade clay
  • Leaf cookie cutters
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Glitter -optional

The children had a great time using leaf cookie cutters to cut out several shapes

cut out ornaments

This exercise was great for their developing fine motor skills.

fall spice ornaments

The fragrance was fantastic and the kids enjoyed the whole process. For every new season we create new decorations for our mantle and the kids take pride in seeing their work on display.

We added holes using straws to help in making a garland.

creating fall ornaments

It took a day for the clay to dry and then it was painting time. Honestly the kids painted a few even before they dried.

kids painting fall leaves

My 3 year old enjoyed painting her own clay leaf. Choosing a thick brush seemed to be the best situation since just a drop of paint on a thick brush was enough to cover an entire leaf.

painting fall leaves

Good dose of glitter should always accompany paint.

ornaments for fall

The colorful sparkly leaves and acorns were a beautiful sight!

colorful leaves

All the beautiful clay leaves all glamed up!

fall leaves made from clay


Homemade Clay Recipe : Pumpkin Spice Clay

2 cups baking soda

1 cup cornstarch

1-1.5 cups of water

Pumpkin Pie Spice – add until you are satisfied with the scent.

Add cornstarch, baking soda and water to a saucepan on medium heat on a stove top. Cook and stir until it starts to bubble. The mixture should thicken up pretty past. Don’t let it stick to the sides. Keep stirring until the mixtures comes together. Turn off the heat and start kneading by hand. You will have some yummy, fragrant homemade clay.

Thanks for reading

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  1. I need help with this! Lol. First time I used 1.5 cups water and the second I only used a cup and both times all I end up with is a liquid mess that smells good.

    • Hi Kelli

      Thanks for reading! How long did you cook the dough? With in 7 minutes or so you should get a mixture that comes together! A quick knead on a wax paper should give you the clay. Let me know if it works out.


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