Home Crafts Kids Crafts: Rainbow Craft using Painted Foil

Kids Crafts: Rainbow Craft using Painted Foil

Kids Crafts: Rainbow Craft using Painted Foil

Kids Crafts: Rainbow Craft for kids using Painted Foil

Simple rainbow crafts kids can do with foil, paint and playdough.

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We have been exploring and having fun with rainbow play dough and rainbow pasta! Today we are simply using the rainbow play dough to create a fab 3d painted rainbow for St.Patrick’s Day. { Did you see our Fizzing Shamrock Art?}

Materials { affiliate links below for your reference}

materials for rainbow craft

Simple Rainbow Craft for Kids : How to make a 3d rainbow with foil

{ all St.Patrick’s Day Crafts for kids here}

First tear off 7 sheets of your foil in increasing size { they will be the 7 colored bands of the rainbow}

Then start rolling the foil. It is easier to simply pinch the the sheet of foil and kind of scrunching it along the way

rolling the foil for rainbow craft for kids

Once you have the foil tube like this

making the 3d rainbow

Start bending them and create the rainbow.

arranging the kids rainbow craft

Once you are done crafting the rainbow, set out washable kids paint to create the colors!

ready to paint the 3d rainbow

To turn this kids craft into a 3 rainbow press the ends of the foil into corresponding play dough color.

use playdough to keep the foil rainbow up

With proper leverage the kids can easily paint the colors of the rainbow now, while singing the Cat in the Hat Rainbow Song REALLY loud!

paint the rainbow

My kid was very particular to get every single part of the foil filled with color. So you may have to help them with holding the rainbow while they paint.

let the paint dry

The paint doesn’t take that long to dry.

rainbow craft all the colors of the foil rainbow

Arrange them in order and enjoy the brightly colored rainbow craft.

painted 3d rainbow craft for kids

Thanks for reading

All our Rainbow Activities for kids here

Follow us on Pinterest for more GORGEOUS RAINBOW CRAFTS for Kids
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How to make a 3d rainbow with painted foil - fun kids craft for St.Patrick's day

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