Home Season Fall Leaf Activities for Kids : Leaf Math and Sculptures

Leaf Activities for Kids : Leaf Math and Sculptures

Leaf Activities for Kids : Leaf Math and Sculptures

Leaf Activities for Kids : Number recognition and leaf structures

With the turn of seasons we created a few leaf activities for kids. As I always say, the kids and I enjoy themed learning. They are a great way to keep learning and exploring fresh for the kids. This time we tweaked our math activities and brought in a little fall in our activities.

With nature lovers in the house, it is always a plus to incorporate nature bits in our learning. What’s more fitting than using leaves as counters! { Here are a few leaf activities for kids}


  • Fall Leaves
  • Hole Punch
  • Styrofoam Block
  • Bamboo skewers
  • Permanent Marker

A week ago we went on a nature walk and collected these big, beautiful leaves. Only a few of them had the characteristic fall colors and most of them were brown. But the shape, texture and size of these leaves were something to look at. I gathered the leaves up and wrote down the numbers on them. Since we love recycled crafts and activities, I used a  Styrofoam block ( from a package) and set it out along with bamboo skewers and the leaves.

Leaf activities for kids- an invitation to explore, learn and play with leaves
leaf activities materials

 I also punched out two holes on the either ends of the leaves in the hopes that the children will use them to build something.{ they love building activities}

math activities with leaves

3 Year old’s experience

She first explored the leaves first and calling out the numbers. She recalled our Fall Maracas making process and started crumbling the leaves. Now those are fun leaf activities for these kids themselves!. However this time we are doing a hands on play based learning activity. I encouraged her to call out the numbers and we decided to arrange them in order. Once that was done, she started “stacking them” While we did not dothe stacking in a proper order she was very excited to thread the leaves through the holes. She also enjoyed inserting the bamboo skewers on the block. What are a great work out for those fine motor skills.

toddler number recognition with leaves

 Every now and then when she would get stuck and is unable to identify the number ( usually 6 and 9) I had her count the leaf pictures on the leaves to help her with the number. {Counting practice}

stacked numbers

We tried the same leaf activities on another smaller block with many skewers inserted. My 3 year old independently created this mini leaf activity and announced that she is going to arrange the number leaves horizontally

learning math hands on

 Ooh looks great with those leaves fanned out!

math fun with leaves

5 Year old’s experience

Surprise! Surprise!( said in a sarcastic tone) She wanted to build and create. That kid really enjoys building and creating activities.

work with leaves

She was meticulously planning and attaching the leaves to the skewers. She showed a great deal of problem solving skills while trying to create a partclar pattern she wanted.

creative activities with leaves

She would move the skewers closer/far away, turned the leaves around to fit the needs, inverted them and so many more. This leaf activity was great for her  math skills.

leaf activities with bamboo skewers

Finally she was done and loved what she created.

sculptures with leaves

She was very proud of her leaf sculptures and couldn’t wait to show dad.

leaves sculptures - math activities for kids

For more leaf activities for kids visit our Pinterest Board

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For more fall activities for kids

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Leaves Math - Stacking and Sculptures from Blog Me Mom

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