Nature based fall activities.
Does play and learning go hand –in-hand ? I think YES ! Children learn better through play and playful learning.
I’m not an early childhood educator of any sort but being a a mom to two girls has taught me ways to make real life scenarios into playful learning experiences. They learn from the world around them and as parents we need to identify the resources around us and channel it into creative and joyful learning experiences.
My strategies are pretty simple : create curiosity-the need to ask questions, learn from answers, praise the curious mind and cherish the love of learning! This post will take you through our learning experience on our backyard. Mots of them are fall activities.
When summer rolled in we had an abundance of pinecones. We played with pine cones by painting on them and crafting with them.
We also played with oobleck and pine cones to create an Oobleck fountain.
We watched tiny insects in our backyard and learnt more about them. Little facts as to where they live, what they eat and what happens to them in winter?
We watched butterflies and learnt about their life cycle and made a caterpillar from an egg carton.
When Hurricane Isaac rolled in , it brought with it a mega science learning opportunity. After heavy rains we woke up to yard full of Mushrooms. Where did these guys come from? So we took our exploration tools to learn more.
Facts: we found different kinds of mushrooms
- We learnt they are definitely not safe to eat
- We also found that we have a fairy ring around our tree
- They all disappeared when the sun came back and soil dried out !
We knew fall was in the air when we noticed colors on leaves. We made a few a fall crafts to welcome the season.
Fall crafts were a great way to cherish the season and sharpern those fine motor skills. We used the leaves and made a Leaf book & a Fall table decoration
We enjoyed another fun fall activity using propeller seeds. Pods from trees around inspired us to create nature crafts from nature. We used seeds from Maple – propeller seeds and transformed them into little bugs.
Finally we used up dried leaves and flower petals to create art.
If given the opportunity and encouragement, I have seen that children are natural at everything. They are artists, scientists, authors and magicians and more.
Hope you are all learning from your backyard adventures as well!
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Check out our Nature Play board on Pinterest
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A leaky selection of outdoor ideas. It’s great to see it all together like this. Very inspiring.
Thanks for linking to the Sunday showcase.
Thank you.