I don’t think so.
All’s fair in painting and playing.
Painting doesn’t have to be with “paint”. A big blob of mud was dumped on the painting paper by our own Big A.
Big A: Blup! I’m gonna use mud to paint. Is it silly?
Mom: Not really, I was anyway planning on roping you into the wonderful dirt painting activity.
She gave me a blank stare and asked impatiently
Big A: “Can I do it”
I smiled and said “Sure have fun”
Needless to say she had a ball of time. We surely didn’t end up with anything “oh- so pretty- I cant believe a 3.5 year old did this with dirt”
What I got was a really dirty paper and an extremely happy kiddo.
She had a great time swishing the dirt around. It appeared to me that she thought she was doing something really naughty by painting with dirt because she had this really quizzical, yet satisfying smile on her face all through the process. We do messy play ALL THE TIME. Still she had his happy disbelief that she is actually “painting” with dirt, with a brush!
After a while, she asked for real paint. Since I keep all my art supplies in the backyard, set up was easy.Then she moved on to messing around with the paint. Together with paint, the mud art did look good.
With a another sheet of paper, Big A proceeded to do something different. No brush was picked up. Just her pointer finger, paper and glorious paint.
This is what I got
It sure is pretty with a capital P. She named it . Dot painting
I first did dirt painting
Now dot painting
And was laughing at her own joke..
Ahh that age..