Home Featured Scavenger hunt for kids : Sticky color hunt

Scavenger hunt for kids : Sticky color hunt

Scavenger hunt for kids : Sticky color hunt

Scavenger hunt for kids : Sticky color hunt

Scavenger hunts have recently become fun for my kids. These kids activities are perfect for younger kids – gets them outside, happy, moving, exploring  nature and more than anything appears to be a game. Setting up scavenger hunt for kids followed naturally since hunting for things and accomplishing a task has become a favorite for my preschooler. The sense of achievement during a fun scavenger hunt for kids seem to fuel her and this has been a fairly recent development. I can’t say the same for my toddler who still much prefers to not follow directions obviously owing to her age. Ironically I had my toddler in mind when we designed this scavenger hunt.

Materials { affiliate links below}

Here is our Amazon Affiliate link for contact paper

For this kids activity, I cut out several construction papers into half and used tape to secure contact paper to the colored paper. Now the sticky side of the contact paper will be facing you and you will now have colored sticky paper. That’s the only prep you need to do for this kids activity.

scavenger hunts preparation colored paper

Before ” announcing” the scavenger hunt for kids, I did a minor thing  to keep the process manageable. Use a clipboard!actually a thick book with a clothespin.

scavenger hunts for kids prepare with color paper and contact paper

 Since we have a 4 year old and a 2 year old I had to tweak the whole game multiple times during the play session and we ended up with the kids version- which means run back and forth  to get all the sticky sheets and get super excited with all the flowers available for plucking.

My 4 year old was just as excited for this scavenger hunt as my toddler for whom this kids activity was initially planned. It soon became a collaborative kids activity.

We would pick a color and run around the house looking for same colored items.It soon became look for flowers! Instead of just collecting items on a scavenger hunt, that immediate gratification of sticking and organizing seemed to have a good effect on them.

scavenger hunts for kids collecting material

sticking yellow for scavenger hunts

After a while they tried to hang on to all the sticky cards so that they can pick any color an instantly sort them. Holding on to all the sticky cards was not that easy. Better to “stick” to one color at a time.

collecting white roses for scavenger hunts

beautiful white

Our California Poppies in all its glory.

sticking orange in scavenger hunts for kids

We even took out scavenger hunt to the local park since we had a play date right after our at-home play session. Although we didn’t do the entire scavenger hunt there we collected nature’s bits and came back and sorted and stuck them to our color cards.

backyard scavenger hunts

Our green and yellow scavenger hunt color card have one thing in common. My 4 year old picked 2 leaves from the same plant – one was bright green and one apparently is over-watered since the leaf was yellow. She got a kick out of that one!

green color nature bits

After sorting and sticking here are our colored scavenger hunts sticky sheets. I love our yellow!

final show of our scavenger hunts for kids

What did we do with our sticky treasures sheets from our scavenger hunt? The kids taped them up on the wall. The idea is to use them as a place where they would stick their nature bits they collect during our hikes and walks.

final show of all colored nature bts

Do your kids pick up stuff on your hikes and walks? I bet they do!  Do you keep them? What do you do with the treasures?

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Some wonderful collaborative e-books we have released!

A book filled with playful science and math activities


Check out our resourceful e-book filled with many preschool play ideas.

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We have also collaborated on another e-book with simple and practical baby play ideas.

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