Home Featured Sensory Activities for Kids : Pre-writing in pretend snow

Sensory Activities for Kids : Pre-writing in pretend snow

Sensory Activities for Kids : Pre-writing in pretend snow

Sensory Activities for kids : Writing in sparkly pretend snow

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I have personally seen that through sensory activities for kids, the children learn so much more than what’s visible to our eyes. This post is a great example for that thought. It started out as an structured invitation to play. The toddler was eager to follow along the same lines but soon switched gears and turned it into a wonderful sensorial pretend play ( tomorrow’ post) Today I shared my invitation – learning letters on the pretend snow. {We have done a fun corn flour sensory writing activity  and a recent sensory rainbow writing before} { Access all our alphabet activities for kids here }

For winter themed sensory activity you will need

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Be sure to see our yesterday’s post on a simple winter sensory bin where we introduced the fun we had with just Epsom salt and pretend snow flakes. Following along the same lines, we used the sensory bin to do practice some letters writing.

materials for snow writing

The 3 year old did some wonderful pre-writing in the sparkly pretend snow.

mark making with snow

She can now write the letter “A” and she was eager to write that and trace the letter with the brightly colored pom poms.

fine motor activities with pom poms

It was a wonderful fine motor exercise and a good opportunity to talk about patterns. Once she carefully arranged her pom poms on the letter, she stood back and clapped her hands in pure joy. It was fun to watch it. Well, the letter writing kick did not last lost and she wanted to make her own designs.

pattern snow

Of course, we are all about child-led play here. A great fine motor workout resulted in a beautiful pattern on our pretend sparkly snow.

pom pom play in snow

Pattern making turned in even more involved play time.


and resulted in snow fall on “pom pom people”

snow fall with pom poms

When big sister joined in it resulted in a super fun role play in a small tub of pretend snow. That’s for tomorrow.

Thanks for reading and get yourself some Epsom salt for a wide variety of sensory play this winter.

Note: Although on that particular she did not engage in pre-writing a whole lot, she did come back and wrote in that sensory bin plenty of times during the day. I kept the pretend snow in a covered plastic bin and would catch her playing in it all the time. Be sure to keep it in a place where you can watch them , preferably in the kitchen since I don’t trust the 3 year old alone with this kind of sensory material – unless I want my living room to be turned into a pretend snow winter wonderland.

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Writing with pom poms on snow from Blog Me Mom


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