Home Art Projects Spring Art : Egg Carton Sheep

Spring Art : Egg Carton Sheep

Spring Art : Egg Carton Sheep

Spring Art : Egg Carton Sheep

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The weather has warmed up a bit for us here and we can’t wait for spring. The store are packed with all things Easter and the kids are giddy whenever we go by the seasonal aisle. ( not always a good thing though!) To keep us cheery we have started with spring crafts and today we have a spring art idea for the kiddos. We have already shared our spring ABC garden and our Color Garden. In the past seasons we have gotten creative with our fall art and recently with our snow cookies and snow painting for the winter.

  • Cardboard egg carton
  • White Paint
  • Construction Paper/card stock paper

Before we went on to the sheep craft, we actually engaged in some open ended art fun. With the cardboard egg carton cut up into individual slots and paints I invited the kids to have some printing fun.

Usually my toddler is the fun who loves printing with objects but on that day the preschooler was very keen on making colorful flowers with egg cartons. This spring art is her work. Surely this art project will be very much for toddlers.

spring art with egg carton flowers printing

She had a great time experimenting with different colors and printing the flowers and of course we had to add the details on at least few flowers.

flowers with egg cartons for spring craft

On a colored construction paper, I hand drew a sheep outline for the girls. This time both my toddler and my preschooler were interested in participating and we started printing the sheep’s wool with the cut up egg slots. They do look like wool, don’t they?

sprint craft with sheep
The more fuller the wool became the more excited the kids were with the spring art idea.

spring art idea
Once the sheep’s body was done, the preschooler who is very much into creating scenes did her thing. Using her fingers created flowers and bugs. Then added the blue sky and grass and touched up the sheep’s legs and ears with black finger paint.

That’s our spring sheep in a beautiful cheery spring scene.


{ edit- we redid this activity with my now 4 year old. This time I did a much better job of drawing the outline. Ha! My now 4 year old was still interested in egg carton printing. Talk about an ever-green art activity. Printmaking ideas for kids here}

sheep art for spring

Alternate Way to do the same sheep craft

On a card stock paper print using cut up egg carton cups. Use regular white paint.

egg carton printing

Once the paint dries flip the paper over and cut out the sheep’s wool.

eg carton printing sheep craft

Use black paper to cut out head and legs.

Thanks for reading

Feel free to pin this image

Sheep Craft done 2 ways with egg cartons from Kids Play Bix

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  1. I love that you used the egg cartons to paint with – painting with items that are not paintbrushes is a favorite for us, and I always love finding new uses for egg cartons.

  2. I absolutely love the way this turned out! I will definitely be using egg cartons on our next painting day. Thanks so much for sharing your spring art inspiration!

  3. Isn’t it fun to use different objects for painting and printing? I love the bright colors of your “flowers” and the fun shapes made by the egg carton bottoms. Definitely a fun activity. I’m going to pin this now. Thanks! 🙂


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