Home Crafts Spring Crafts : Jellybean Bush inspired by “My Garden” by Kevin Henkes

Spring Crafts : Jellybean Bush inspired by “My Garden” by Kevin Henkes

Spring Crafts : Jellybean Bush inspired by “My Garden” by Kevin Henkes

Entertain your child with this easy Kevin Henkes’ book inspired spring craft with simple materials.

With my preschooler away at school all mornings I want to make the best use of the available mornings with my toddler. A one on one with my younger one seems really necessary because when big sis here, well you all know how it is when the older child is around. All the activities seem to be centered around the mature one. So my toddler and I have been reading and loving My Garden by Kevin Henkes and we  came up with this easy spring craft inspired by the book – Jelly Bean Bush.

The book talks about a little girl who imagines a whimsical garden where many wondrous things grow and one of which is a jellybean bush. No points for guessing which plant will eventually become a kid’s favorite part. Plant jelly beans and grow a jellybean bush! Magical isn’t it? Here is what we did for this book activity which also triples as a spring craft and a wonderful fine motor activity.

[box title=”Things we used” color=”#333333″]

  • Cardstock Paper
  • Thick cardboard/cereal box
  • Jelly Beans(spiced – more on this later)
  • Fresh Leaves
  • Craft Stick (green)
  • Glue


book activity kevin henkes_materials

We can’t do any hands on activities with food/snacks and jellybeans are no exception. They get eaten pretty fast. Recently I got a box of spiced jellybeans and my kids are majorly spice-averse. They wouldn’t even look at the word “spicy”.  They ate a couple of beans and were immediately making a beeline for the water. Anyway it was easy to use jellybeans as counter for various activities. That’s your story behind getting spiced jellybean boxes.

This fine motor activity turned into a good candidate for a toddler activity since it has only 3 simple steps.

I cut out a simple tree/bush shape using a cardstock paper but in hindsight I would glue a cardboard or a cereal box cut to shape before continuing with the gluing of leaves. The bush has to be sturdy so don’t forget the backing.

Once we had the bush ready, we went out and collected some leaves. [ Great opportunity to count while plucking leaves]

With our box of spiced jelly beans and leaves, it was gluing, talking and having fun time for mom and kid.
With a generous squirt of glue smeared all over the bush cutout, my toddler set out to stick the leaves to the paper. We talked about the color of the leaves, which plant they came from and more importantly the book we are discussing.

fine motor activity sticking leaves for spring craft

After the leaves, it was up to the jellybeans to come on over. Naturally she started identifying colors while gluing them on the paper. Both the leaves and jellybean gluing served to be a wonderful opportunity to develop those fine motor skills.

fine motor gluing for toddlersfine motor gluing for toddlers

my garden kevin henks spring craft with fine motor activity

During the craft session we had some impromptu leaf balancing acts and jellybean sensory play.

MY GARDEN BOOK INSPIRED ACTIVITYOur completed jellybean bush.

kevin henkes my garden book inspired activity

We let it dry for day before attempting to prop it up. I was afraid there would be jellybean rain. Here is our jellybean bush spring craft ready propped up with a craftstick.

jellybean bush my garden craft

We might have a couple of more My Garden inspired book activities coming up.

Thanks for reading

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Our Easter Activities board Pinterest has tons of ideas to keep you and you family busy during the holiday. For more spring activities visit our board on Pinterest.
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Hi friends, we are very glad to have contributed to a resourceful new e-book. Do you have toddlers or babies in your life and feel coming up with baby activities is so challenging? We, in collaboration with other bloggers have put together a book with GREAT activities for babies and toddlers.

Click here to read the review post

baby book


  • There are 25 unique baby/toddler play ideas.
  • The activities for babies and toddlers are explained very thoroughly with bright pictures and clear step-by-step instructions.
  • The ideas are very simple and perfect for busy new moms of babies and toddlers.
  • You will get exposed to 25 new blogs where the women behind the blogs share so many ideas for baby play, toddler play, preschooler play and up.
  • There are additional 50 links to whole new ideas for play.
  • There is a wide range of activities with classic baby play, sensory play, homemade toys and many learning activities.



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