Home Art Projects St Patrick’s Day Activities : Shamrock Printing

St Patrick’s Day Activities : Shamrock Printing

St Patrick’s Day Activities : Shamrock Printing

St.Patrick’s Day Activities for Kids : Shamrock Printing

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The last time we did a printing activity my toddler had a great deal fun creating and experimenting with colors and textures. With St Patrick’s day coming around, we got arty with heart cookie cutters to create shamrocks. Today’s St Patrick’s day craft is an easy one – shamrock printing. For an older child it would be great practice to use one heart cookie cutter to create shamrocks by rotating the same cutter or the paper. With a toddler around that kind of activity will be hard to accomplish. So glue gun to th rescue. I simply hot glued my 3 heart cookie cutters to make a shamrock look-alike. If you are partial to your cookie cutters, I’ll just let you know I was able to retrieve mine by simply soaking them in warm water and soap. By the way, my cookie cutters are those 2/$1 cookie cutters. Here is our hot glued hearts cookie cutter.

hearts cookie cutter shamrocks

With a giant dose of green paint and the cookie cutter invite your little ones for a fun St Patrick’s day craft.

shamrock printing with toddlers

I taped butcher paper to cover the entire area of my outdoor table and the kids had a go at the paint and printing.

cookie cutter shamrocks

Once the kids made the prints, they used a toothbrush to fill in the shamrock and add stems.

st patricks day crafts shamrocks

This was a great way to talk about St. Patrick’s day and shamrocks. Our earlier rainbow craft introduced the holiday and with this St Patrick’s day craft we continued talking about the holiday with a fun new addition- shamrocks.


Hands on activities like these have been proving to be a great way to learn new concepts just by “simply having a conversation”.

crafts for st patricks day

For my toddler this art activity was a sensory experience and a fine motor exercise. She quickly learned the way to hold the hot glued cookie cutters using all her fingers and went about printing and going “wow”.



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