Home Season Create an avalanche : Summer activities for kids

Create an avalanche : Summer activities for kids

Create an avalanche : Summer activities for kids

Freeze colored water and create gorgeous ice blocks. Then create an avalanche and have fun playing ice blocks games this summer

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It’s not summer without some ice play. Here is a super easy summer activity with ice blocks.  Ice is a staple for all fun kids activities during summertime. Use ice cubes to create ice jewelry, simply play with colored ice blocks and build structures, use ice in a fun ice experiment create soapy ice sculptures and plenty more. Today we use ice on a large scale.


Freeze colored water in half gallon juice or milk carton. Remove the carton after the water freezes and { this takes a while. Use warm running water to cut out the carton} The children can touch, feel and explore the brightly colored ice blocks. We have used those ice blocks and done the salt and water colors science experiment { using plain ice} { Read about it here} This time we had a much bigger plan.

materials needed

We gathered all our ice blocks and set them all up on top of our play slide.

summer ice play

The kids created multiple games with the ice blocks. Rolling them down one at a time, two at a time and all the four blocks together creating an avalanche.

ice play

I placed a tarp under the slide so the ice blocks could travel a little further. The sliding ice blocks were too much fun to watch.At this point, the kids will have different take on the same ice play activity. Mine started off rolling the blocks and gathering them from the tarp and restarting the same activity all over again.

slide the ice

After a while they started creating races to see which block went further. You can turn this into a simple learning activity as well by having the kids observe the effect of sunlight. Add a bit of salt on the slide or the ice blocks and have the kids look for signs of melting. We tried taping heavy paper on the slide to catch some of the color but that was a BUST. The kids also kept pushing the ice blocks on the tarp as colored ice trucks and pretend played for a while. Like I said each kid may approach this activity from a different angle. With that said, pushing down giant blocks of ice down the slide will make for a fun summer afternoon!!

play with ice this summer

 Thanks for reading

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summer fun with ice bocks

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