Home Art Projects Thanksgiving Art : Corn Rubbing Art Project

Thanksgiving Art : Corn Rubbing Art Project

Thanksgiving Art : Corn Rubbing Art Project

Thanksgiving Art : Corn Rubbing Art Project

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Halloween went by so soon! Boo! Now before just jumping over to the Holiday season let’s please remember the Big November in the middle. November is a big month for us : apart from Thanksgiving we have  2 birthdays and an anniversary.

Today we are sharing a simple Thanksgiving art project with corn. We love Turkey Crafts just as much as corn crafts! { Visit the link for all our Turkey Crafts}


  • Indian Corn
  • White Paper
  • Crayons
  • Tape

Lay down a corn on a sheet of white paper.

Tape the edges to the corn so that the paper stays in place.

roll tape corn art

Set our crayons so that your child can gently rub/color on the paper. After a few tries he/she will get the hang of it! Once the markings/rubbings show up on the paper things get really interesting for them. We did not stick to Indian Corn colors but if you prefer you may set out only browns, oranges, reds and yellows. As you can see the kids loved their greens and purples.

roll and tape for corn art

My 6 year old preferred to hold down the paper as opposed to using a corn with taped paper. Whatever works for your kid I say!

rubbing corn with crayons

The resulting markings are just gorgeous. The entire process is very soothing. {Check out our earlier coin rubbings. Great for math/number sense}

corn art

You can cut our corn shapes from the resulting rubbing art or just frame it as it is. Visit our fine motor corn art post to see a sample. We created corn art first and made a corn bunting for the mantle.

 thanksgiving art projects with corn

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Thanks for reading

A few interesting Thanksgiving Crafts and activities post you may enjoy!

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Check out our resourceful e-book filled with many preschool play ideas.

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We have also collaborated on another e-book with simple and practical baby play ideas.

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