Home Holidays Valentine Activities with Hearts Stickers

Valentine Activities with Hearts Stickers

Valentine Activities with Hearts Stickers

We are shifting gears today and moving towards some intentional learning Valentine activities. Every time a new holiday season rolls around we like to take advantage of the theme and modify our usual learning activities to go inline with the new season. It gives the kids excitement about the upcoming new holiday and spruces up the usual learning routine. Today we share many Valentine activities using just  hearts stickers.

I purchased a small box of foam hearts stickers available at many stores now. They come in a clear bag and there are so many different sizes, colors and patterns inside. With so many variations come the numerous learning opportunities for the kids.

Here is a run down of Valentine activities you can do with the kids using just stickers.


This is a fantastic exercise I did with my toddler. We would simply sort by colors, sizes or patterns. With a preschooler I added the time factor and made into a mini game.

sort foam hearts stickers learning for toddlers


This was a toddler activity as well. My toddler and I simply starting lining up the shiny hearts and counted. Something about the glitter made the counting process more fun. It was a sensory  experience as well since she touched, felt the stickers while counting.

hearts stickers counting activity

Matching and 1-to-1 correspondence

This was again for my toddler. I wrote down a few numbers with a different heart sticker for each number. My toddler was invited to match the heart shape and collect hearts corresponding to the number.

count and macth for valentine's day activities


This patterning activity was for my preschooler. She loves any kind of patterning exercises and throw in some glitter hearts she is all game for this. Based on the interest and age the child you can very easily modify this activity.

preschooler learning activities patterns with hearts

CVC words

This is by far my favorite. I wrote down vowels on the white hearts and some consonants on the red ones. I pointed out that in a 3 letter word (cvc) the letter that comes in the middle is a vowel and hence we have a different colored heart for that. We took turns coming up with words and my preschooler built those cvc words with the hearts. We will definitely be visiting this activity quite often.


vowels and consonants

learn cvc words with hearts


We have to do an addition activity with such cute manipulatives. With these hearts as a visual aid, addition comes naturally.

addition for preschoolers hands on valentine activities

With the foam hearts stickers we also did a couple of crafty Valentine activities.


Decorate paper frames

Very simply, we used the heart stickers to decorate a paper frame for the art the kids make almost on a minute by minute basis.

decorate paper frames for valentine activities

Glitter  hearts wand

We stuck the shiny glitter hearts on a craft stick to made a heart wand ( that’s what she calls it) This activity was great for developing fine motor skills.

glitter wand with heart stickers

Create with hearts

Have you seen our hearts butterflies? This one is a teeny tiny version. Create anything that catches the kids’ fancy. We love nature so you will see more of that in our creations. [ Yesterday she made a bird with 2 strategically placed folded hearts.]

create critter for valentine activities

My favorites from around the web

Hearts Trees with stickers

Click on the image to take you to the original post


Fantastic sticker resist art

Click on the image to take you to the original post

sticker resist painting

Other Valentine’s day crafts we have done.

Thanks for reading

More Valentine’s day crafts on our Pinterest Board as well.


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