Home Season Fall Watercolor Apple Tree Craft

Watercolor Apple Tree Craft

Watercolor Apple Tree Craft

Apple Crafts for Kids : Watercolor Apple Trees

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Turn a fun apple craft into props for pretend play. While engaging their creativity and their finger muscles children can create an end product and use them for pretend play.

With apple season around the corner, we are exploring more kids activities with an apple theme. Today we share creating apple trees with coffee filters and liquid watercolors.

Want more apple crafts for kids?

Materials { affiliate product links below}

materials needed

The first of this apple craft is the most fun for most of the kids. Squirting our vibrant watercolors on coffee filters to create the leaves. The kids used both dark green and yellow to mix the color to give the leaves a nice leafy green color. The coffee filters does a great job of absorbing the liquids and this may be a good lesson by itself. { We have had fun with a couple of absorption science activities before}

dripping liquid watercolors on apple trees

We let the coffee filters dry for a while. Once they are dry cut out circular cardboard { cereal boxes work} and glue them behind the coffee filters. We actually used paper bags for this purpose and they worked just fine. Now you have liquid watercolored apple tree leaves.

coffee filter apple craft

Next step is a great for developing fine motor skills and for counting. Set out red pompoms and glue. The children glue “apples” to the leaves.

fine motor apple craft for preschoolers

A simple apple tree craft with a healthy dose of fine motor exercise.

apple tree craft for preschoolers

Next step is to create the apple tree trunks. We used paper rolls and painted them brown. { We have created apple tree trunks in a super sensorial way earlier. Try our apple tree craft for toddlers}

apple tree with paper rolls

Make a couple of slits and insert the coffee filter apple tree leaves. You can leave the trees at this and keep the activity as a apple tree craft. But my children used the trees for a long session of pretend play. They used a large plate { you can use a shallow container} and filled it up with green lentils { you can use any non-food item } and arranged the trees to create an orchard. Then they added tiny toys and wove long stories about the orchard. What a great way to develop language, fine motor skills, creativity, imaginative skills and counting skills – all through a simple hands on apple tree craft activity!

pretend play apple activity

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apple tree craft for prtend play

Some wonderful collaborative e-books we have released! A book filled with playful science and math activities


Check out our resourceful e-book filled with many preschool play ideas. preschool play book We have also collaborated on another e-book with simple and practical baby play ideas. baby book


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